TF-EMC2 – Campus Issues Torbjörn Wiberg Malaga
New Charter One of the aims of the task force is –To promote the actual use of middleware infrastructures at the campuses Activities to that end will focus on: –Collaborating with EuroCAMP as one way of reaching out to campuses. –Improve the awareness of AAI through liaisons with higher ed IT organisations on national and international level (specifically with EUNIS)
AAI is an IT issue at campus 2006 Current Issues Survey Resources rces/10236
Oct 2006: Educause survey shows ID management is an issue at the campus level –It is THE top issue or concern –It is judged most critical for success –it will stay so –senior IT leaders spend a lot of time on it Now is the time to engage in activities towards campuses!
How shall we approach this? What channels, arenas, communities How shall we motivate an increased focus on the deployment and use of AAI Can we agree on an example roadmap for the implementation, deployment and use Can we agree on a set of products to recommend
How shall we approach this? It is about marketing, education and support... for that we of course need –marketing material –education material and –technical documentation –funding (if it shall be properly done) We also need to collect info about progress –We need to agree on indicators of progress
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