Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005 P. Colas - Optimising tracking 1 Optimising a Detector from the Tracking Point-of-View P.Colas, CEA Saclay constraints role Optimisation : trade-off between constraints to help the detector to fulfill its role best
Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005P. Colas - Optimising tracking2 THE ROLE OF THE TRACKING Reconstruct vertices Enough accuracy to separate b from c Determine vertex charge Reconstruct most of V°s Measure charged tracks High efficiency down to low angles and momenta, even for close tracks, for particle flow High accuracy to tell the charge at highest momenta If possible, identify particle (e, , ,K,free quark,…)
Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005P. Colas - Optimising tracking3 Linear Collider Specificity Physics requirements Flavour tagging by vertex finding Higgs recoil mass (ZH-> anything) Multijet final states : two-track separation Missing energy measurement : hermeticity Processes peaked at low angle : good coverage Environment Backgrounds: muons, photons, neutrons : go 3D, go high segmentation
Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005P. Colas - Optimising tracking4 PHYSICS
Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005P. Colas - Optimising tracking5 Magnetic field Roles: Curve tracks for p measurmnt p T /p T =8 /0.3Bl 2 Curve tracks to separate charged from neutrals (particle flow) Background confinement Parameters Radius (transportation, cost), length Field intensity Homogeneity Mask B field (See talk by F. Kircher)
Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005P. Colas - Optimising tracking6 Backgrounds Effect of the beam crossing angle (K.Bü er, SLAC MDI meeting, 5 jan 2005) Head-on ? 2mrad? 20 mrad? Small/large hole? Input from the detector to the machine design! TPC VxDet
Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005P. Colas - Optimising tracking7 Backgrounds : neutrons Impacts the aging of the silicon Causes occupation in the TPC, especially if the gas contains Hydrogen
Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005P. Colas - Optimising tracking8 TECHNOLOGY See talks by S. Aplin and T. Greenshaw Digital TPC? Could be used at an intermediate radius between the vertex detector and a standard TPC STANDARD TPC DIGITAL TPC Vx Det
Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005P. Colas - Optimising tracking9 GEOMETRY What must be the radius of the TPC? Trading size (R 2 ) against sagitta accuracy / B has a limit : V 0 s must be contained. Up to which R do we need Silicon? Where from do we start gas? Limit on the number of silicon layers fixed by the multiple scattering. About 5 for 300 micron wafers, more if layers are thinner.
Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005P. Colas - Optimising tracking10 LOW ANGLE COVERAGE L has to be finite. A special device is needed to cover low angles (K. Moenig) (deg.) A extended silicon envelope would allow TPC syst. to be corrected (A. Savoy-Navarro). But would not a few % of the surface be enough? Would the first layer of the calorimeter play this role?
Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005P. Colas - Optimising tracking11 An example : pad size in the TPC, momentum resol° Depends on details of the design: gas, technology, electronics What is acceptable? Twice the cost for half the resolution? BON COURAGE TESLA TDR Goal D. Karlen Pad dimensions (mm x mm)
Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005P. Colas - Optimising tracking12 COST ISSUES trade-off running time / resolution ( / N), N ~ time ~ money) trade-off reliability / price of components trade-off multi-technology / scale effect
Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005P. Colas - Optimising tracking13 BENCHMARKS Process Tested item A FB + - Charge separation ZH -> + - X Recoil mass resolution Bhabha acolinearity, WW with W-> Low-angle coverage H branching ratios Vertex finding, b/c discrimination (see M. Battaglia’s talk)
Palaiseau, 13/1/ 2005P. Colas - Optimising tracking14 CONCLUSIONS A lot has been done already to optimize the tracking, but: x Technology evolution might lead us to revise some choices x Need to be realistic in supports / cables / services Benchmarks with realistic simulation and various options are strongly needed.