Teacher Neil’s Hotel Check-in Vocab and Common Script R: Welcome to the __________ Hotel. May I help you? G: Yes, I saw your advertisement in a brochure, I would like a room for the night at the discounted rate. R: Do you have a reservation? G: No. Are there rooms available? R: Well, how many people are in your party? G: Two. The name is (Mr/Ms) _________________. R: Ok (Mr/Ms) __________________ we have a vacancy. G: Does every room have a balcony? R: Yes, they do, with a panoramic view of the natural scenery. G: Is there a pool and sauna? R: Yes, we have a fitness center on the fifth floor. G: How much is a double room? R: 1,300 baht including a complimentary continental breakfast. G: Hmm, are there handicapped facilities?? R: Yes. G: Is there internet service? R: Yes, and we have a conference center with a secretarial service. G: Ok, we’ll take it. R: And how will you be paying? G: By credit card. R: Thank you, enjoy your stay.
Test Two Hotel Receptionist Learn these words and how to pronounce them like a ‘farang’. Remember, this is not a READING test, this is a PRONUNCIATION test. You must know the meaning of your 15 black words 15 each) some of the meanings are listed here but not all.
Two people One person is the front desk receptionist and one person is the guest. Listen to the example Answer the questions lab.com/checkin/checkinrd1.htm
1.Advertisement – to market something through the media AdverTISEment
2.Brochure – a small booklet 3.Tonight - tonight
4.DIScounted - to reduce the price
5.reserVATion 6.avAILable 7.guests 8.VACancy – an available room
9. BALcony – an outside and upper attachment to a room
10. panoRAMic – a wide view
11-12.NATural SCENery
13.Sauna! 14.FITness 15.DOUBle 16.InCLUDing – to put something together with something else
17.compliMENTary 18.contiNENTal 19.BREAKfast
20.HANdicapped 21.faCILities
22.WIREless 23.INternet
24.CONference – a large seminar or meeting
25.secreTARial - adjective for a secretary’s work
26. Towels – something to dry yourself when you are wet 27. Iron – an appliance that when heated can press and straighten wrinkles on clothes 28. PAYing – to buy
29.CREDit 30.card