The Protectors of our Public Lands in Los Angeles & the Community of Marina del Rey are systematically being silenced by LA County Officials PUBLIC TRUST IS VERY LOW
In January 2008, this Commission listened to 7 hours of testimony on the LCP Periodic Review Standing Room Only Threatened to be kicked out of the hearing Numerous speakers spoke about lack of public participation
Some of the Commissioners were very concerned about what they had heard – and listened to the “angst of the Community”
You found LA County “OUT OF COMPLIANCE” with its certified LCP and authored 67 recommendations + 5 revised findings to help bring it into compliance. The Public left the meeting relieved and felt they had finally been heard.
On April 26, 2011 The LA County Board of Supervisors held a public hearing on the Pipeline Projects (brought about by the LCP Periodic Review) 4 agenda items were combined and the public was given 30 seconds to speak on each item.
This Commission took exception to LA County’s new rule of a total of 3 speaking minutes per meeting
Commissioner Bill Burke on LA County Government & Marina del Rey …FOR THE PUBLIC …BY THE PUBLIC
The PUBLIC in Los Angeles needs your help to uphold the LCP, the Coastal Act, and the Coastal Zone Management Act to provide adequate Public Participation
Largest number of Vacancies by 3 developers 1 of the developers - MdR Hotel (The location of this meeting)
Boating Trends Vacancy – Vacancy – Coastal Commission Susan McCabe, The Usual Suspects and Los Angeles County are coming before the Commission in October 2011 and asking for another 800 slip reduction. The reason for the slip reductions………….you guessed it!
LA County Commissioner Speaks Out On What is Happening in Marina del Rey