doc.: IEEE /0031r0 Submission January 2012 Reinhard Gloger, Nokia Siemens NetworksSlide Liaison Report Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0031r0 Submission January 2012 Reinhard Gloger, Nokia Siemens NetworksSlide 2 Abstract Liaison report from as presented to
doc.: IEEE /0031r0 Submission January 2012 Reinhard Gloger, Nokia Siemens NetworksSlide Status (1) John Notor (VC) Acting Chair as Mike Lynch joins WRC, Geneva this week; Reinhard Gloger (NSN) was appointed as the liaison to IEEE Additional Spectrum for Medical Devices in MHz FCC R&O (no comments from ) Petition for Rulemaking by Lockheed Martin re: 433 MHz RFID Operation Under FCC Part 15 Rules: IEEE encourages the Commission to accept the Lockheed Martin petition for rulemaking in the 433 MHz band (harmonize with international spectrum rules ; better propagation characteristics than 2.4 GHz). IEEE802 has particular interest in the MHz band, since the IEEE WG for Wireless Personal Area Networks (“WPANs”) has developed an Active Radio Frequency Identification (“RFID”) physical layer amendment to the IEEE base standard for Low-Rate WPANs called IEEE f which includes operation in the 433 MHz band. (doc 14/r3 on.18 mentor)
doc.: IEEE /0031r0 Submission January 2012 Reinhard Gloger, Nokia Siemens NetworksSlide Status (2) In addition, the IEEE k TG is currently considering a different amendment to specifically targeted at Low Energy Critical Infrastructure Monitoring in the 433 MHz band. FCC OET Seeks Comment on Requests for Waiver of Section (b) to Register Certain TV Receive Sites in the TV Bands Database FCC NPRM/R&O related to radiolocation in the GHz band (No group was identified to comment) Liaison to ITU-R SG 1 SG 5 on Narrowband Wireless Home Networking ITU-T.
doc.: IEEE /0031r0 Submission January 2012 Reinhard Gloger, Nokia Siemens NetworksSlide Status (3) Liaison to Ext Orgs on WASN Systems - ITU-R WP 5A (already mature, no further changes expected) Update on ITU-R Question 236/1, features of wireless power grid management systems (no add. Info to contribute – wait till Geneva meeting has finished) Frequency ranges for global or regional harmonization of short range devices, ITU-R SM.1896 (no comments)
doc.: IEEE /0031r0 Submission January 2012 Reinhard Gloger, Nokia Siemens NetworksSlide Status (4) ERM TG11 has completed the TCAM mandated sharing rules changes to EN (Now the document must be approved by member states) The addition of adaptivity requirements to EN (shared radar bands in 5GHz, exp. End of 2012) The Lufthansa DA2GC project – air to ground communication studied Status on the House bill (The Walden Bill) on spectrum changes. National Broadband Plan effort to free up 300 MHz of spectrum by Expected to pass as part of the payroll tax reduction bill by the end of February Additional regulatory measures are included
doc.: IEEE /0031r0 Submission January 2012 Reinhard Gloger, Nokia Siemens NetworksSlide Status (5) Smart Meter (2.4 GHz) interference with Home Wi-Fi networks in Maine. CSMAC (The Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee) documents on the use of unlicensed spectrum – study: should all unlicensed access require database control? – issue of accuracy.... The Chief Executive of Ofcom speech on the future of spectrum The new broadcast TV standard (ATSC-3) Documents on