Friday Warm-Up Update your Table of Contents Copy down the acronym on the right in your warm-up section Leave room between each word so you can write down information Subject- Caption- Activity- Message- Symbols- Political Cartoons
Political Cartoon Subject- Caption- Activity- Message- Symbols-
Political Cartoon Subject- Caption- Activity- Message- Symbols-
Imperialism in China Notes On page 63 you will be taking notes on China today Any instructions that have a will count as you notes for this topic Example: Summarize the last slide in one sentence You will do this in your notebook
China and the West ■ History of isolation ■ Isolated by jungles, mountains and desert ■ Ethnocentrism -Belief that your culture is better than all others ■ Had little interest or desire to trade with the West ■ Europeans nations saw the market potential of China (435 million people) Summarize China’s relationship with Europe before imperialism in one sentence
Opium ■ British begin to smuggle Opium(illegal in China) from India into China. ■ By 1835, 12 million Chinese were addicted to Opium ■ Negative effect on Chinese economy
Road to War ■ Emperor Daoguang orders British shipments of opium be confiscated and destroyed ■ During one seizure of British cargo ■ 20,000 chests of opium were destroyed ■ Each chest was worth $1,000 ■ Today’s money = $300,000,000
The Opium War ■ Britain attacks coastal Chinese cities to start the war in October of 1839 ■ Battles took place mostly at sea ■ Outdated Chinese ships were no match for the modern steam-powered gunboats of the British ■ The Treaty of Nanjing ■ China had to pay reparations ■ All Chinese ports were opened to the British ■ Britain gained control of Hong Kong (Restored to China in 1997) Summarize the events of the Opium War in 2-3 sentences.
Spheres of Influence ■ Other foreign nations sign treaties unfair to China ■ Sphere of Influence - an area in which a foreign nation controlled trade & investment ■ In 1899 the United States proposes the Open Door Policy ■ Open Door Policy - China’s doors (ports) be open to merchants of all nations Copy down the definition for Sphere of Influence
Zaffuts Reactions ■ China staged many rebellions in response to British presence
Zaffuts Boxer Rebellion ■ Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists(Boxers) – Assaulted foreigners in China – Practiced ancient magic ■ Soon crushed by Japan and Europeans Summarize the Boxer Rebellion in 1-2 sentences.
Imperialism in China Assignment ●Go to Google Classroom ●Working ON YOUR OWN… ○ Read the four passages about imperialism in China ○ Answer the questions that go with the readings in COMPLETE SENTENCES
Exit Ticket #1 European countries were always interested in trading with the Chinese. Why? A.China’s large population had the potential of being a valuable market for European goods B.China’s geographic location made it easy for Europeans to reach them C.The weather in China was favorable for productive growing seasons D.None of the Above
Exit Ticket #2 After the Chinese loss of the Opium War, foreign countries began taking advantage of China’s weakness. This led China to being divided into… A.two separate countries B.permanent colonies C.spheres of influence D.provinces controlled by warlords
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