HEART ATTACK By: Claudia Forte and Raquel Pimentel
Causes ·CHD (Coronary Heart Disease): Plaques-----> coronary arteries (O2 rich blood)----- > blood clot----->block blood flow-----> heart muscle dies ·Other causes: - Drugs - Emotional stress -Smoking
Most common causes -Age -Angina -High blood cholesterol levels -Diabetes -Unhealthy diet - Genes -Heart surgery -Previous heart attack -Hypertension (high blood pressure): Lack of physical activity Overweight
SYMPTOMS -Chest pain -Upper body discomfort -Shortness of breath -Nausea -Dizziness -Cold Sweat
Consequences -Motivation -Repeat attack -Chest pain -Depression -Impotence
Treatments -Oxygen therapy -Aspirin -Nitroglycerin -Once it is confirmed the treatments try to restore blood flow to the heart.
Prevention/Diagnosis ·Five stages to prevent heart attack. 1. Don't smoke or use tobacco. 2.Exercise for 30 minutes of most days of the week. 3.Eat a heart-healthy diet 4.Maintain a healthy weight. 5.Get regular healthy screenings. ·It depends on: -the damage to your heart muscle -heart valves
Further information -About 17 million people die of cardiovascular diseases. -The leading killer of both men and women in developed countries.
References attack.html#ixzz1kZmZg51R myocardial-infarction.phphttp:// myocardial-infarction.php
The end.