Year 9 Robotics, Virtual Reality and Games TEACHER: MS DANIELA LUPONE WHERE DO I LIVE: A2.10 LEVEL 2 AIKENHEAD
Goals for this semester To develop skills in using software that will support you in all disciplines. To develop skills in coding. To develop your thinking skills to reflect on your learning. To work in teams to solve problems. To be responsible for organising and showcasing evidence of your learning.
Main Areas Avatars and Virtual Worlds Digital Portfolio Scratch Robotics
Software Edublogs Lots of web 2.0 software e.g. avatars. Photoshop – edit graphics. iMovie – record evidence. Scratch- introduction to blogging. Lego Mindstorms EV3. Virtual Reality – Probably attempt to go new and Look at MineCraft or maybe stick to Quest Atlantis.
Assessment Digital Portfolio (blog) Regular feedback via your blog Projects
What are the reporting standards? ICT for Visual Thinking – creation of avatars, mindmapping, flowcharts… ICT for Communication- blog appearance and use, peer feedback, response to feedback ICT for Creating – Scratch, Robotics Thinking - how you solve problems, response to feedback, questioning…