1 Timothy 5:1-16. 1.Paul is writing to a young pastor. A young pastor often has a difficult time being a pastor to older, long-time members of congregations.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Timothy 5:1-16

1.Paul is writing to a young pastor. A young pastor often has a difficult time being a pastor to older, long-time members of congregations. He also has special challenges in working with younger men and younger women. What might those challenges be? How does Paul instruct Timothy to act? We sometimes mistakenly make assumptions. A young pastor should treat elders as parents and those the same age as brothers and sisters. 2.What principles is the church to practice when it decides which widows it is going to support? Notice the list of specific requirements in verses 9 and 10. Discuss what Paul means by each of them. Over 60, faithful to husband, life marked by good deeds, humble service

3.What advice on serving younger widows does Paul give the church? Be careful. Putting them on the “widows list” could cause a “welfare” mentality and be a temptation for them to busy themselves with being busybodies. 4.What does Paul say to children whose parents (and grandparents) are approaching old age? How can today’s children apply Paul’s words? Honor and respect parents in old age. Help and take care of them.

1 Timothy 5:17–6:2 1.In this section of chapter 5, Paul gives Timothy practical advice on a variety of subjects. Discuss each one. congregational respect for elders (verse 17) Give them double honor payment of called workers (verse 18) The worker deserves his wage dealing with elders accused of wrongdoing (verses 19,20) Make sure the accusation is legitimate showing favoritism to certain members (verse 21) Don’s do it, after all the Lord does not show favoritism laying hands on a person, commissioning him for a public office (verse 22) Don’t do it too quickly. Let them first be tested and make sure they have proven themselves. personal health (verse 23) Take care of yourself choosing elders (verses 24,25) It should be obvious from the live they live that they are able to do the work

2.Choose at least two elements in Paul’s advice and apply them to your congregation.

1 Timothy 6: It is clear that young Timothy was suffering opposition from false disciples. What is the mark of a faithful disciple of Christ? He accepts instruction and listens to godly teaching 2.What is the mark of a false disciple? One does not teach false doctrine and agrees with sound (healthy) instruction and godly (both in act and content) teachings

3.What are the greatest riches we can have? Godliness with contentment – the Lord and eternal life. Psalm 73:25 4.What sufferings come into the lives of those who covet money? Temptation and a trap and foolish and harmful desires – greed is sinful and leads us into other sins.

5.How does one fight the good fight of faith? List all the charges Paul gives to Timothy. We fight the temptations of the devil and sin Hear the word often, hold on tightly to faith in Jesus. 6.Imagine that you are a wealthy Christian. What would be your concerns? Will my generosity be abused, cause others to give less, “What is the best way to use my wealth?” Make sure it does not replace the Lord.