16th May 2007 MICE tracker phone meeting 1 Setup test bench/ Installation DATE Hideyuki Sakamoto 16 th May 2007 MICE phone meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

16th May 2007 MICE tracker phone meeting 1 Setup test bench/ Installation DATE Hideyuki Sakamoto 16 th May 2007 MICE phone meeting

16th May 2007 MICE tracker phone meeting 2 Contents Setup test bench –DAQ rate/Dead time Installation DATE package History April 2nd: Request Jean-Sebastien for modules (V2718,V977) April 26th: Arrive modules at Osaka May 9th : Installation DATE package in DAQ PC

16th May 2007 MICE tracker phone meeting 3 Test bench DAQ PC clock gen. coincidence fan I/O scalar VME crate V2718 VME Master V977 I/O Register NIM crate Optical cable

16th May 2007 MICE tracker phone meeting 4 DAQ rate/Dead time Generate dummy trigger at 100 MHz Input dummy trigger to V977 I/O reg. –Veto subsequent triggers by busy-out from V977 Measure DAQ rate by detecting interrupt signal from V977 –Event loop: Clear busy Enable interrupt Wait for interrupt Count-up event number Measured DAQ rate = 14 kHz => Dead time = 71  sec V977 V2718PCClock gen. VME bus Optical cable V2818 PCI bus out in 100 MHz Busy from V t (nsec) 0 B trigger Delay by 25ns in V977 Dead time ~ 71 micro sec A B A

16th May 2007 MICE tracker phone meeting 5 Comments Stand-alone DAQ program has been employed for the test. Device driver by CAEN does not implement read/write functions. Use CAENVMElib in the program –Library for the driver to manage VME masterV2718, distributed by CAEN Function CAENVME_IRQEnable returns “ Unknown Error ” –CAENVMElib –Source code for this library is not distributed. Seems no problem for DAQ (for now). –It should be fixed. (also, dead time becomes smaller?) –Jean-Sebastien suggests that we need to contact CAEN software team.

16th May 2007 MICE tracker phone meeting 6 Installation DATE package RPM package is downloaded from ALICE DAQ web page –date i386.rpm –MySQL-shared-community rhel4.i386.rpm –MySQL-client-community rhel4.i386.rpm –MySQL-server-community rhel4.i386.rpm –MySQL-devel-community rhel4.i386.rpm –mysqltcl i386.rpm –smi i386.rpm –dim i386.rpm –BWidget noarch.rpm –castor-devel i386.rpm –castor-lib i386.rpm

16th May 2007 MICE tracker phone meeting 7 RUN Control Manager Figure is the capture of my note pc calling run control manager installed in DAQ PC. Data taking is not working which should be impleme nted!

16th May 2007 MICE tracker phone meeting 8 Making test bench in Osaka using CAEN VME modules, V2718, V977. DATE package is installed in DAQ PC. Now is trying to readout, event building. Summary