Quarterly Exam Review
Goal of the course Successfully complete the diploma exam Students need to synthesize information and develop their own understanding of the content. College-like atmosphere. My job is not to spoon feed history, but provide the evidence and information for students to create their own knowledge. This requires dedication, focus, and work. If you don’t put in the time, you will feel lost and confused. It is your job to keep up with the class and speak with me in a timely manor if anything is not making sense. It is not easy, but it is preparing you for success during the exam.
General Question Paper II Topic 1: Causes, practices, and effects of wars 1. Assess the importance of each of the following in causing the First World War: nationalism, imperialism, militarization, and alliances.
Rubric Paper II Knowledge is accurate, detailed, relevant, in-depth, comprehensive Has different points of view Shows expertise of subject
Synthesizing the evidence Industrialization Militarization Imperialism Alliances Nationalism Big Ideas
Key evidence Congress of Vienna Franco-Prussian War (1870-1) Alsacce-Lorraine Three Emperors’ League 1881 Triple Alliance 1882 Franco-Russian Alliance 1892 Boer War 1902 Entente Cordiale 1904 First Moroccan Crisis 1905 Triple Entente 1907 Bosnian Crisis 1908 (First Balkan Crisis) Second Moroccan Crisis 1911 Sarajevo Crisis 1914 (Second Balkan Crisis) German Foreign Policy Otto Van Bismarck Kaiser Wilhelm II Weltpolitik Schlieffen Plan Dreadnoughts Arms race The Eastern Question The Balkans Franz Ferdinand Germany’s “blank check” The Guns of August – Road to WWI
Successful Papers Develop a strong thesis. Weave multiple threads of evidence to create a comprehensive document that defends and proves thesis. Provides different perspectives(Ex. English/German or historian viewpoints) to defend thesis. Knowledge is detailed and accurate.