Fashion Marketing-Promotion
Promotional Mix Promotional Mix: four components of promotion including advertising, personal selling, public relations, and publicity. Advertising: paid communication of information about products and services between the seller and possible buyers Public Relations (PR): creating and maintaining beneficial relationships between businesses and the public
Promotional Mix Publicity: component of public relations that is not paid for by the business and not controlled by the business Personal Selling: individual, one-on- one effort made by a representative of a company to persuade a customer to purchase goods or services Promotion and selling strongly intertwined…promotion to create awareness and selling to provide the personal touch to close the sale
Purpose of Promotion To increase traffic…. Traffic: the number of people who visit a store Which leads to higher sales!
Promotional Plan Promotional plan: written plan that includes: Goals and objectives for the campaign Clear statement of the target market Media to be used for each component Budget
The Next Step….the Sale Sales Knowledge: knowledge of the product being sold, acquired through training Taught to build rapport Link product sales Hand products to customers so they can experience the feel Assume customer objections List product benefits as they relate to the customer