War of 1812
Conflict with Britain The War of 1812 was a large conflict, that we are going to break down into these four conflicts Battle of New Orleans Northeastern states threaten to secede War Hawks Nationalism
Battle of New Orleans 1. What did the British do to the Capitol city and the White House? 2. What two groups helped the British in their attack against the Americans? 3. Why do you think the Native Americans would be eager to help the British defeat the Americans? 4. Who was the leader of the American troops during the Battle of New Orleans? 5. Who won the Battle of New Orleans? 6. Was the Battle of New Orleans fought before or after the peace treaty with Britain was signed?
Northeastern states threat to secede Using the information in your textbook on page 331, please answer the following questions. 1. What does it mean to secede? 2. Why did the New England states want to secede from the United States? 3. What stopped the states from seceding from the United States?
War Hawks If you were considered a war hawk what did you want to do? Use your textbook to find the name of an important war hawk from chapter 9
Nationalism Question What is a definition of the term Nationalism? Think questions: 2. Why would the War of 1812 give Americans a stronger sense of Nationalism? 3. What did September 11 th do to American Nationalism?
Once your done. Chapter 9 pretest Ch. 9 Written Response (20% of overall test grade) Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Marshall were important leaders in Chapter 9: List one best example of their leadership in Chapter 9 and describe the role of the leader. List one worst example of their leadership in Chapter 9 and describe the role of the leader. Your response should provide evidence that you understand the example used in your response, as well as the role of the individual leader. (include at least 2 related facts along with your analysis)