Service – A Beacon of Hope
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL Service Today Hands-on High-visibility Immediate impact Flexible Fun
Effective Service Club Success Member Satisfaction New Members
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL Global Service Action Campaigns August- Engaging our Youth October- Sharing the Vision December/January- Relieving the Hunger April-Protecting our Environment Results: Projects reported from a majority of constitutional areas.
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL Commitment to Service Pledge Results Over 1,000 Lions have signed the pledge. Comments “Excellent idea. Together we can do wonders.” Lion Dr. Ravindran India “I will be active, I will take part, I will be a light! Lion John Cragg, Alberta, Canada
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL Service Activity Report- General Statistics Since launch: 5,721 clubs from 90 countries 14,766 activities 2,041 images uploaded Diabetes / Vision Screening & Education Baguio Everlasting Lions Club District 301 C, Philippines
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL Leo & Youth Involvement in Leo Service Activity Reporting Leo version of Beacon Awards Young Leaders in Service Awards