Chapter Summary Section 1: Jefferson Takes Office


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter Summary Section 1: Jefferson Takes Office Thomas Jefferson thought of his election as “the Revolution of 1800.” He sought to limit the power of the federal government by instituting a set of new Republican policies. Jefferson’s policies included shrinking the military and eliminating all federal taxes inside the country.

Chapter Summary (continued) Section 2: The Louisiana Purchase In 1802, America’s position in Louisiana was threatened by France. Jefferson resolved this conflict by buying the Louisiana Territory from the French in 1803. Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore the region. They returned with valuable information about the territory, and the expedition increased interest in settling the region.

Chapter Summary (continued) Section 3: A Time of Conflict U.S. neutrality was threatened by Britain and France during Jefferson’s administration. Jefferson’s Embargo Act failed to solve the conflict and ultimately hurt American trade. On the home front, American settlers pushed into new lands and faced resistance from Native Americans.

Chapter Summary (continued) Section 4: The War of 1812 Britain refused to stop aiding Native Americans and impressing American sailors, causing Congress to declare war on Britain in 1812. The battle raged for two years, with major victories on both sides. The war ended in December 1814, with the Treaty of Ghent. After the war, Americans felt pride at having finally secured independence from Britain.

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