Transitioning Skills Identifying Your Talents And Associating Vocations with Talents From: Autism Speaks Family Services Transition Tool Kit pp51-58 Whose Future Is It Anyway, pp By: Rommel Campoy 1
Student Objectives Students will identify their talents Students will associate vocations with their talents Students will create transition goals/plans that are based preferences and interests. By: Rommel Campoy 2
Social Emotional Learning Standards Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts. Apply decision- making skills to deal responsibly with daily academic and social situations. Evaluate personal abilities to gather information, generate alternatives, and anticipate the consequences of decisions. By: Rommel Campoy 3
Task 1: Whole Group Discussion The most important consideration in helping an individual with autism find a job is the “ job match”. What is a “ job match ?” By: Rommel Campoy 4
Finding a good job match, three broad areas must be considered: The interests and skills of the person; The individual’s learning style; and The environmental demands on the worker —including communication, sensory, social, and organizational. By: Rommel Campoy 5
Task 2: Small Group It is imperative to match the job to the unique set of strengths, interests, and passions that the person brings to the situation. Jay loves to travel in vehicles and would spend most of his day in a car if he could. Alicia is very interested in women’s and baby clothes. Henny has limited communication and as having a history of challenging behavior. However, she also is very meticulous and detailed oriented. By: Rommel Campoy 6
Activity: Small Group What do you want to be doing during most days? Working? Where? Doing what? Going to school? Where? Learning to do what? How do you want to spend your free time? By: Rommel Campoy 7
What are your interests and preferences? List the ten things you do best. Abilities Ten things you really like to do. Interests By: Rommel Campoy 8
Interests and Abilities By: Rommel Campoy 9
Create a Plan: Transition Goals “What do you have to know or learn to make it happen? I like working on the computer and I’m pretty good at it. Do I want to look at that as a job skill? What I liked and what I was good at matched with what I could probably get a job doing. By: Rommel Campoy 10
Good at computer Likes computer options Learn basic office skills Go to community college and learn more computer skills Go to vocational training school Get a better job By: Rommel Campoy 11
Presentation Share your individual plans to the group Get some perspectives/supports before deciding a goal Plan for a group presentation to the class. By: Rommel Campoy 12
Council By: Rommel Campoy 13