SUMMARY and RESULTS Non-State Delivery of Water and Sanitation Services UNICEF – ADB Regional Workshop on the Role of Non-State Providers in Basic Service Delivery ADB HQ, Manila, Philippines April 2010
Engaging NSPs (WASH) NSPs have specialist capacity and flexibility to operate in different conditions and offer services. NSPs can help stimulate demand, and respond to changes in demand. Government cannot do it alone: Gov’t can enhance its roles as enabler while NSPs can fill the gap in financing and/or service delivery. Innovation is often driven by NSPs. Cost sharing options can stimulate household demand and financing, and leverage funding from government and other sources.
Key Issues (NSPs/WASH) Lack of recognition or inclusion Affordability Service quality Pro-poor services Financing Policy Regulation Public awareness Administrative and legal barriers Technical and physical barriers Vested interests (opposition to change, political intervention, corruption) Uncertainty and risk
Issues and Lessons IssueLessons Need for recognition New policy for mainstreaming small-scale service providers Facilitate the formalization of the informal providers: lessen the administrative, legal and financing constraints, but subject to regulations Include NSPs in water and sanitation plans and strategies Mapping and registration of NSPs RegulationImprove regulation to achieve quality, affordable and sustainable services Permits, licenses and annual fees Water and wastewater tariff setting Performance-based and technical standards Improve capacity to enforce laws and regulations Consumer feedback
Issues and Lessons IssueLessons Vested interests Develop buy-in and partnership with the communities and local governments Clear contracts and partnership arrangements Consensus-building within the community FinancingProvisions of easier credit terms through alternative models and financing windows Mixed credit and subsidy
Issues and Lessons IssueLessons Institutional Variety of partnerships and contracts: Management; PPP; performance-based, etc. Role of communities and households Consumer feedback mechanism; O&M; monitoring Pricing/ Affordability Flexible payment terms and conditions to reach the poor Communities get share in the profits; CSR Different levels of service systems; phased expansion Quality and sustainability Technical specifications Water quality and service levels Capacity development Planning and regulation Technology options Promotion and marketing
THANK YOU UNICEF – ADB Regional Workshop on the Role of Non-State Providers in Basic Service Delivery ADB HQ, Manila, Philippines April 2010