Supplemental Income Strategy Providing Income When Your Clients Need it Most For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution.
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. Agenda Identify potential clients & concerns The Supplemental Income strategy Case studies & action plan
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. Identify Potential Clients & Concerns For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution.
Has a need for life insurance death benefit protection Age Long term investment horizon Typically making maximum contributions to qualified retirement plans Do you Know this Client Do you Know this client? High income, generally $100,000+
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. The Concern Have I saved enough money to account for all the “unexpected events ” in life? I’m looking for financial product that will protect my loved ones today as well as supplement my own future income needs.
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. The Issue: Traditional Investments Alone May Not Meet All Their Needs Qualified plan contribution limits based on income Income replacement for beneficiaries Efficient wealth transfer Limited tax-favored investment options Tax-free income potential 1 1Distributions are generally treated first as tax-free recovery of basis and then as taxable income, assuming the policy is not a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC). However, different rules apply in the first fifteen policy years, when distributions accompanied by benefit reductions may be taxable prior to basis recovery. Non-MEC loans are generally not subject to tax but may be taxable when the policy lapses, is surrendered, exchanged or otherwise terminated. In the case of a MEC, loans and withdrawals are taxable to the extent of policy gain and a 10% penalty may apply if taken prior to age 59 ½. Always confirm the status of a particular loan or withdrawal with a qualified tax advisor. Cash value accumulation may not be guaranteed depending on the type of product selected. Investments in variable life insurance are subject to market risk, including loss of principal. Withdrawals and/or policy loans will reduce the policy’s death benefit and cash value, and may cause the policy to lapse. Upon lapse, the policyholder may have reportable income to the extent total distributions exceed his or her basis in the policy.
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. The Supplemental Income Strategy For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution.
What is Supplemental Income ? Using tax-free withdrawals and loans from a properly structured and funded life insurance policy’s cash value to supplement a client’s income needs for such items as retirement and college funding. tax-free withdrawals and supplement a client’s income loans
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. Compare the Alternatives 1 Life insurance contributions are not limited above certain income guidelines. Generally, there is not a specific limit on dollars allocated to purchase life insurance, however there are maximum premium limits determined by a specified policy face amount according to the Internal Revenue Code. The face amount of coverage each carrier will underwrite will also differ. 2 AMT may apply. 3 For Federal income tax purposes, life insurance death benefits generally pay income tax–free to beneficiaries. In certain situations, however, life insurance death benefits may be partially or wholly taxable. Clients should consult their professional tax advisor for information regarding their particular facts and circumstances. 4 Distributions from a life insurance policy are loans and withdrawals. Certain withdrawals may be subject to income tax in the first fifteen years depending on criteria set forth in Internal Revenue Code 7702(f)(7)(B). After fifteen years, assuming the policy is not a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC), withdrawals up to the policy’s tax basis are not taxable. Policy loans are not taxable provided that the policy remains in force until the insured dies. Should the policy lapse or be surrendered prior to the death of the insured, there may be tax consequences. Loans and withdrawals will decrease the cash value and death benefit.
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. Potential Solutions- Life Insurance for creating more income Tax-deferred growth Tax-free withdrawals and loans 1 Tax-free exchanges between all underlying investment options No specified dollar amount contribution limits 2 Self-completing No required distributions 1Distributions are generally treated first as tax-free recovery of basis and then as taxable income, assuming the policy is not a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC). However, different rules apply in the first fifteen policy years, when distributions accompanied by benefit reductions may be taxable prior to basis recovery. Non-MEC loans are generally not subject to tax but may be taxable when the policy lapses, is surrendered, exchanged or otherwise terminated. In the case of a MEC, loans and withdrawals are taxable to the extent of policy gain and a 10% penalty may apply if taken prior to age 59 ½. Always confirm the status of a particular loan or withdrawal with a qualified tax advisor. Cash value accumulation may not be guaranteed depending on the type of product selected. Investments in variable life insurance are subject to market risk, including loss of principal. Withdrawals and/or policy loans will reduce the policy’s death benefit and cash value, and may cause the policy to lapse. Upon lapse, the policyholder may have reportable income to the extent total distributions exceed his or her basis in the policy. 2 Contributions to the policy have to fall within certain guidelines and that there are limitations. However these limits are not based on the clients earnings.
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. Implementing the Strategy Provide Client Personalized Illustration and Product Prospectus 5 1 Discuss Goals with Client 2 Determine Life Insurance Needs 3 Inventory Current IRAs, Qualified Plans and other Savings 4 Determine Premium Amount 6 Initiate Underwriting Discuss goals with client Determine life insurance needs Inventory IRAs, employer sponsored qualified plans and other savings Determine premium amount Provide client personalized illustration and product prospectus* Initiate underwriting * If applicable
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. Case Studies & Action Plan For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution.
Case Study Age: 35 Recently divorced with 2 children Owns Jack’s Gardens- Landscaping Company SIMPLE IRA balance $30,000 Possible retirement shortfall Goals: Life insurance death benefit for minor children Supplement retirement income if needed $50,000 other investments Meet Jack
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. 136 $4,161$3,265$3,197,206 $3,197, $225,724$180,382$3,203,323 $3,197, $892,000$566,259$2,556,971 $1,697, $1,947,404 $979,278 $3,451,043 $1,697, $3,613,621 $1,301,744 $4,010,028 $1,697,189 Policy YearAge Insured Cash Value Cash ValueDeath BenefitDeath Benefit Assuming Current GuaranteedAssuming Current Guaranteed Charges and Crediting Rates Charges and Crediting Rates Crediting Ratesand Charges Crediting Rates and Charges How the Policy Can Build Cash Value Potential cash value and death benefit amounts Hypothetical Example: Male, Age 35, Standard Non-Smoker. Policy Premium of $25,000 for 20 Years using the MetLife Promise Whole Life product and assumes current crediting rate values and current dividend scale projections. Actual results may vary. Dividends are not guaranteed. See a full policy illustration for additional details. Premium structure is $1,500,000 Flex Term Rider until age 85. This information is hypothetical. A personalized illustration must be provided before purchasing a whole life insurance product.
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. Benefits to your Clients Tax-deferred growth potential Tax-free withdrawals and loans* Tax-free exchanges between investment options, if variable product No income based contribution limits Self-completing No required distributions *Withdrawals and/or policy loans will reduce the policy’s death benefit and cash value, and may cause the policy to lapse. Upon lapse for any reason, the policyholder may have reportable income to the extent total distributions exceed his or her basis in the policy. Contributions must fall within certain guidelines, but there are no contribution limitations based on the client's income.
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. Benefits to You Deepens client relationships May uncover additional retirement plan savings opportunities May uncover additional assets
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. Action Plan Evaluate Need for Life Insurance Death Benefit 5 Evaluate need for life insurance death benefit Discuss Strategic Partnership 1 Identify and Qualify Clients 2 Schedule Time for Client Meetings and Discuss Approach 3 Inventory Assets 4 Evaluate Potential Need for Supplemental Income 6 Initiate Underwriting Process 8 Provide Client with Personalized Illustration and ePresentation for this strategy 7 Initiate underwriting process Provide client with personalized illustration, product prospectus* and ePresentation for this strategy Discuss strategic partnership Identify and qualify clients Schedule time for client meetings and discuss approach Inventory assets Evaluate potential need for supplemental income If applicable *If applicable
For Producer or Broker/Dealer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. Important Information The information contained in this document is not intended to (and cannot) be used by anyone to avoid IRS penalties. This document supports the promotion and marketing of insurance products. Clients should seek advice based on their particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor since any discussion of taxes is for general informational purposes only and does not purport to be complete or cover every situation. MetLife, its agents, and representatives may not give legal, tax or accounting advice and this document should not be construed as such. Clients should confer with their qualified legal, tax and accounting advisors as appropriate. Like most insurance policies, MetLife’s policies contain charges, limitations, exclusions, termination provisions and terms for keeping them in force. Contact your financial representative for costs and complete details. MetLife Promise Whole Life is issued by MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company on Policy Form 5E in all jurisdictions except New York, where they are issued by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company on Policy Form 1E NY. All guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability and financial strength of the issuing insurance company. Insurance Products Are: Not A Deposit Not FDIC-Insured Not Insured By Any Federal Government Agency Not Guaranteed By Any Bank Or Credit Union May Go Down In Value BDVL23642 L54L [exp1214] © 2013 METLIFE INC. 2013PEANUTS Worldwide