In the Sacrament of Confirmation the minister (usually a Bishop): LAYS HANDS on the person
PRAYS over the person on behalf of the Church family
ANOINTS the person with Chrism (sacred oil blessed by the Bishop the previous Easter)
As the person is signed with oil the Bishop says: “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”
PRAYING, LAYING ON OF HANDS & ANOINTING WITH OIL are solemn & ancient gestures that can trace their roots back to the earliest Christian communities of the first century.
The laying on of hands In the Bible the laying on of hands was a sign that a person was dedicated to God. It is a sign of the love of God and the giving of the Spirit.
PRAYS….. over the person Disciples of Jesus want to allow God to be present in their lives, and through them to the world. The relationship with God, begun in baptism is confirmed in the Sacrament of Confirmation and nourished throughout life in the Eucharist.
ANOINTS the person with oil - Oil…….. What uses does it have in our everyday lives?
Oil is known for its medicinal properties Oil can give light Oil is used for lubricating Oil gives heat Perfumed oil is associated with bringing peace and joy
Oil is very symbolic It is easy to see how things oil can do may be linked with the action of the Spirit in our lives……. Bringing peace, healing and strengthening, permeating, giving light in darkness.
ANOINTING Means that a person is set aside for a special work. (David 1 Samuel 16:1-13) Jesus was set aside for a special work. (Luke 4:16-22) The confirmed Christian is set aside for a special work - for a life of loving and serving others as Jesus did.
The anointing is done with a SIGN OF THE CROSS The sign of God’s love. Jesus died and rose again to bring all people to God If we are going to help Jesus in his work we will have to carry the cross with him.
Baptism and Confirmation The Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation have a lasting effect on the person who receives them. God never disowns the work of his hand’s. Whatever our own later failings, we are always set apart as belonging to God. For this reason, these two sacraments are never repeated. Their effect is permanent.
Our life as a Christian is like a tall, strong tree. The Spirit of God nurtures us with gifts to enable us to be a tall, healthy & strong tree. The Spirit of God gives the gifts of: Wisdom Understanding Courage Reverence Knowledge Right judgement Wonder Awe in God’s presence.
When these gifts are strong & growing they bear fruit in our lives The fruits which grow in our lives are signs that the Spirit of God is present in us & in our Church community. “But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,generosity & self-control” Galatians 5:23.
These are characteristics expected of those who call themselves followers of Christ, anointed with his Spirit Wisdom, right Judgement Reverence Understanding Courage Knowledge wonder Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Faithfulness generosity Self-control
What does this mean for ME as a Confirmed Catholic, a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church Community?
Responsibility? Giftedness? Prayer & worship? Living Christian attitudes & values? Faith development? Wholeness = Holiness? Actively seeking peace, love, justice? Stand up for what we believe? Serving others Witness for Christ?
Confirmation is the Christian family’s formal recognition that this person possesses God’s spirit in a way that is unique. Through the Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation- a person becomes a full member of the Catholic Church Community, sharing all its privileges and responsibilities.
Confirmation is a “Sacrament for Others”: The Confirmed Christian is a sign of God’s on-going action that brings healing and joy to the world. The Sacrament confirms that this person is now sealed with God’s own spirit to enable them to share with others in bringing about God’s peace & justice in our world.
When we allow the Holy Spirit to fill our lives: We are INSPIRED We SEE THINGS IN A NEW WAY, with a new mind. We are TRANSFORMED We have the courage & compassion to LOVE & SERVE OTHERS as Jesus calls us to do.
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