Status of 2009 Testbeam Paper and testbeam analyses Testbeam paper (2009) Some news from
Testbeam 2009 publication Progressing slowly New results shown here Decision taken to include resolution of 3d sensor Decision to include simulation to be taken shortly Remaining areas: High number of unused clusters mystery Correspondence needed for entire paper between THL setting and threshold in electrons – Syracuse working, others have shown interest LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 2
Status of 2009 paper (Note change of web address) Comments welcome at any stage Thanks to our heroic editor Vava! (no need to polish your figures etc. he will do this) Status of the sections: Timepix chip description (RP) Timepix Telescope description (RP) Clustering algorithm & results (PC, VG, ZX) Tracking (PC) Alignment (PC,JG) Track Pointing Precision (PC) Data Sets (PC) Determination of zero angle (ZX) Landau distributions in DUT, Cluster characteristics (Syracuse group) Efficiency and noise as a function of threshold (HG) Timewalk (MvB) Pulseshape (Syracuse group) HV Scans (ZX) Angle Scans – clusters (ZX), resolutions (PC) Row column asymetries (TM, FB) Ikrum scans (DH) 3d sensor (GS) LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 3 Text exists Plots exist – text on the way Work to do
Introduction to Timepix and Telescope (Richard) In good shape New text and figures available Rest of paper should refer to this section as much as possible (coordinate system, THL settings etc.) So let Richard know if something is missing! March 11 th LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 4
Clustering section In good shape Highlights the effect of the offset using telescope planes as an example March 11 th LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 5
Determination of perpendicular point Track independent analysis Various fits give a best estimate of the angle of the rotation stage relative to the beam (-0.29 degrees) We have selected for this section different plots to the ones which go in the section which discusses in detail the cluster characteristics of the DUT March 11 th LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 6 Plots from Zhou
Track pointing precision and alignment quality Track pointing precision and its error comes by comparing the biased residuals measured in each plane with a straight line fit simulation Multiple scattering is included The difference between the simulation and the data is the dominant source of error: um The alignment precision is less than +- 1 um across the chip for all runs – gives an overestimate of the ultimate resolution by about 0.2 um (propose to leave in for the time being unless someone argues otherwise) March 11 th LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 7
Eta Corrections 1 (blue) 2 (red) 3 (magenta) wide column clusters are treated independently Pol5 fit is used (but gives marginal improvement on linear fit) March 11 th LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 8 0o0o 4o4o 8o8o 18 o 0o0o 4o4o 8o8o Before After
Resolution measurement Resolution displayed separately for 1,2,3 column clusters, before and after correction March 11 th LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 9 0o0o 4o4o 8o8o 18 o
Resolution measurement Final measurement: all data included and track contribution subtracted March 11 th LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 10
Resolution: Comparison of 300 and 150 um thick sensors now available (not for 2009 paper) Thin sensor shows roughly expected behaviour Perpendicular resolution is worse than thick sensor Optimal resolution slightly worse Optimal resolution at 19 degrees For some angles, thin is better! March 11 th LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 11
HV scans: nearly there but still sorting out a few question marks Voltage was scanned up and down – clear trends shown at large angles Resolutions are very reproducible but means show 5 um drift away, and then back again… This “ballistic deficit” effect is an interesting challenge to the simulation March 11 th LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 12 Plots from Zhou
Still to come for 2009 paper HV cluster width section (should be straightforward) Cluster landaus and characteristics, detailed understanding of TOT behaviour; input from testpulse scan (Syracuse) Pulseshape section (Syracuse group) Efficiency (Hamish) Timewalk (Martin) Ikrum scans (Daniel) 3d sensor (Graeme) Author list – will send out a mail shortly March 11 th LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 13
For the 2010 paper, analysts needed Resolution scan analyses Gain variation of pixels from long runs... Pointing precision analysis – will be better than 2009! PR01 analysis is on the way NEW testbeam data! (see today) Lots of interesting subjects! LHCb Upgrade Meeting Paula Collins 14