Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. Trellis-based Parallel Stereo Matching Media Processor Lab. Sejong univ. Dong-seok Kim
Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 2. Contents Introduction Stereo Vision Model Center-referenced space Constraints on disparity Estimating optimal disparity Experimental results Conclusion
Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 3. Introduction Stereo vision is an inverse process that attempts to restore the original scene from a pair of images. In this paper a new basis for disparity based on center-referenced coordinates is presented that is concise and complete in terms of constraint representation.
Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 4. Stereo Vision Model (1) Projection Model Assumption : coplanar image planes, parallel optical axes, equal focal lengths l, and matching epipolar lines The inverse match space I is the finite set of points, represented by solid dots, that are reconstructable by matching image pixels. Left image scan line : f l = [f l 1 ··· f l N ] Right image scan line : f r = [f r 1 ··· f r N ]
Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 5. Stereo Vision Model (2) Representation of Correspondence Each element of each scan line can have a corresponding element in the other image scan line, denoted (f l i, f r j ) be occluded in the other image scan line, denoted (f l i, Ø) for a left image element (right occlusion) and (Ø, f r i ) for a right image element (left occlusion) Left-referenced disparity map : d l = [d l 1 ··· d l N ] Disparity value : d l i ⇔ (f l i, f r i+d l i ) Right-referenced disparity map : d r = [d r 1 ··· d r N ] Disparity value : d r j ⇔ (f l i+d r j,f r j ).
Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 6. Center-referenced space (1) Using only left- or right-referenced disparity, it is difficult to represent common matching constraints with respect to both images. An alternate center-referenced projection The focal point p c located at the midpoint between the focal points for the left and right image plane Plane with 2N + 1 and focal length of 2l The projection lines intersect with the horizontal iso- disparity lines forms the inverse space D.
Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 7. Center-referenced space (2) Center-referenced disparity vector d = [d 0 ··· d 2N ] disparity value d i indicates the depth index of a real world point along the projection line from site i on the center image plane If d i is a match point : (f l (i – d j + 1)/2, f r (i + d j + 1)/2 ) (f l i, f r j ) is denoted by the disparity d i + j – 1 = j – i The odd function o(x) is used to indicate if d i is a match point, that is o(i + di) = 1 when d i is a match point.
Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 8. Center-referenced space (3) Represent occlusions by assigning the highest possible disparity (Fig. 3) The correspondence (f l 5, f r 8 ) creates a right occlusion for which the real object could lie anywhere in the triangular Right Occlusion Region (ROR) If only I is used, then the match points (solid dots) in the ROR are used. D contains additional occlusion points (open dots) in the ROR that are further to the right, which are used instead.
Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 9. Constraints on disparity Parallel axes : d i ≥ 0 Endpoints : d 0 = d 2N = 0 Cohesiveness : d i – d i – 1 ∈ {–1, 0, 1} Uniqueness : o(i + d i ) = 1 ⇒ d i–1 = d i = d i+1
Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 10. Estimating optimal disparity DP techniques progressing through the trellis from left to right (site i = 0, …, 2N). In recursive form, the shortest path algorithm for disparity is formally given by: Initialization : Endpoint has zero disparity Recursion : At each site i = 1, … 2N, find the best path into each node j. if i+j is even, otherwise Termination : i = 2N and j = 0. Reconstruction : Backtrack the decisions..
Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 11. Experimental results
Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 12. Conclusion We have used a center-referenced projection to represent the discrete inverse space for stereo correspondence. This space D contains additional occlusion points which we exploit to create a concise representation of correspondence and occlusion. The algorithm was tested on both real and synthetic image pairs with good results.