Free Property Advertising for Accredited Landlords in Salford
It is a collaboration between local authorities, social housing providers and commercial landlords to house people across Greater Manchester WHAT IS PINPOINT?
Pinpoint has around 130,000 members made up of customers from regional housing schemes such as: SALFORD HOME SEARCH IRWELL VALLEY ST VINCENTS CONTOUR PINPOINT AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR
BENEFITS FOR LANDLORDS: Thousands of homeseekers view the site each week Can advertise to a regional audience Tenants speak directly to you not an intermediary or agency PINPOINT AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR
BENEFITS FOR LANDLORDS: The Pinpoint ad can be in addition to advertising the property on other websites There are no other pop up ads/ featured properties / links to distract from your advert PINPOINT AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR
BENEFITS FOR LANDLORDS: Once Pinpoint have received and verified all of the details your property will be advertised within 1 working day Pinpoint do the administration – loading, monitoring and closing the advert – there are no fines or penalties PINPOINT AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR