FIA Caretakers Meeting 6 February 2009 Future Internet Forum.


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Presentation transcript:

FIA Caretakers Meeting 6 February 2009 Future Internet Forum

Background and Context  Forum of National ICT Research Directors  Future Internet Working Group launched under Slovenian Presidency to: Take stock of national initiatives, towards joint programming and co-ordination of research in Europe Fuel the ICT R&D and Innovation debate in view of the forthcoming changes in the policy landscape Provide recommendations  Two meetings (July and September 2009)  Participants: DE, FR, FI, BE, SE, NL, SI, UK, ES, CZ, NO, IS  Full report presented in Lyon (ICT2008) 

National ICT Directors Report on FI Main Conclusions and Recommendations  Future Internet is a main vector for boosting competitiveness of EU ICT sector, upstream and downstream the value chain  EU and MS level initiatives will benefit from co-ordination and cross fertilisation along several dimensions (people, knowledge, skills, testbeds, innovative actors, …)  A Future Internet Forum of MS’s initiatives should be established to discuss and propose a joint EU-MS strategy and plan for FI. The Forum should work in close cooperation with FIA.  The community is encouraged to promote an EIT’s KIC on FI  Industry is called upon to develop a joint initiative on the FI  The Commission is invited to explore with the relevant players the feasibility of a JTI on FI

Developments since Lyon Multiple national initiatives launched (e.g. es.Internet), or are in the pipe: (Italy, Ireland, Portugal) National ICT Directors invited to appoint a representative for the FI Forum Ribbon-cutting and kick-off meeting planned in the context of the FIA Prague (11-12 May 2008)

Proposed Agenda Welcome by Chair (EC) and Czech Presidency Purpose of the meeting, recalling the 2008 Conclusions (EC) Discussion on Mandate/Terms of Reference (all) Short introduction on ongoing activities at EU level concerning the Future Internet and time Frame of upcoming activities (EC) Update on national initiatives and plans (all) Focus topics, constituency, time line, valorisation approach, application dimension. Methodology to progress towards a common national mapping and to define common research/test requirements for the future. (all) Programme proposal for (EC), discussion (all) Conclusions and date for next meeting