6.1 - Solid Shapes & Spatial Relationships
373 Spatial Visualization How many cubes make up each composite shape?
How many cubes make up each composite shape?
How many cubes make up each composite shape?
The basics ♥Polygon – 2 space ♥Polyhedron = 3 space ♥Polyhedra or Polyhedrons = plural ♥ A Polyhedron is a closed figure, made up of polygons. ♥Parts of a polyhedron: ♥Faces – these are the polygons ♥Edges – where the polygons intersect & form a line ♥Vertices – “corners” – the point where more than two polygons intersect.
edge face = Vertex
Regular Polyhedra (remember ‘regular’ means all sides have the same length and all angles have the same measure) A regular Polyhedra is composed of congruent regular polygons as faces AND has the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. Can you think of a regular polyhedron?
DRAWING PRACTICE!! ♥Let’s learn how to draw a cube. 1.Draw a square. 2.Draw a congruent square, up and to the right. 3.Connect the vertices Notice 4 pair of parallel lines TADA!!
Platonic Solids There are 5 convex, regular polyhedra and they are named by the number of faces they have. NAMEFACESMADE OFLOOKS LIKE Tetrahedron4Triangles Hexahedron6Squares Octahedron8Triangles Dodecahedron12pentagons Icosahedron20Triangles
NETS A net is a 2D pattern that, when put together, forms a 3D polyhedron.
Assignment Surface area worksheets (pg numbers at the bottom are )