Amazing Animals of Asia By Sai Kalidindi Next
Panda This is the Panda It lives in China It eats bamboo It is gentle They are endangered. This means that there aren’t many left in the world Next
Elephant This is an Elephant They live in India They have big tusks They have big ears Next
Tiger This is a tiger It lives in India It eats meat It is fast and strong Next
Cobra This is a cobra It is a snake It lives in India It is poisonous It is fast and smooth Next
Peacock This is a peacock It is a bird They only live in India Their feathers are long and colorful They are endangered Next
Squid This is a squid It lives in the ocean It lives mainly near Japan It has two eyes and many arms It squirts black ink to to help it make a sneaky escape when it is in trouble Next
Works Cited ain/squid.jpg ain/squid.jpg Clip Art from Microsoft PowerPoint