楚怡学校 2012 六 年级听力复习. 听音选词 () 1. A. juice B. water C. tea () 2.A. Canada B. China C. England () 3.A. party B. card C. park () 4. A. 13 B. 30 C. 40 () 5.


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Presentation transcript:

楚怡学校 2012 六 年级听力复习

听音选词 () 1. A. juice B. water C. tea () 2.A. Canada B. China C. England () 3.A. party B. card C. park () 4. A. 13 B. 30 C. 40 () 5. A. difficult B. different C. dancing A A B B C

() 6. A. where B. what C. who () 7.A. library B. building C. museum () 8.A.11:00 B.12:30 C. 5:00 () 9. A. start B. Chinatown C. special () 10. A.Thanksgiving B.Halloween C. Easter C A A B B

() 11. A. awake B. sleep C.city () 12.A. send B. stamps C. presents () 13.A.9:00 B.7:30 C. 7:00 () 14. A. moon B.metre C. kilometre () 15. A.panda B.fox C. snake A B C A A

听录音,选出正确的句子 ( ) 1. A. I’ve got some stamps from America. B. I haven’t got stamps from America. ( ) 2. A. She likes painting. B. She likes swimming. A A

( ) 3. A. My favourite festival is Christmas. B. My favourite festival is Thanksgiving. ( ) 4. A. I’ve got a book about pandas. B. I’ve got a book about festivals. B A

听音,选择方框中的词语填空, 有个词是 多余的。 Daming ____ simon for the summer. Laura is____ New York. She ____ a ______ pen pal.Lingling ___ speak English. Daming gives her ___ to Laura. can Chinese address visits lives wants from

This is my ______ stamp. It is a _____ of Hainan Island, my favourite ____ in China. We can ___ the moutains and some _____ trees. It’s ___ coconutfrom hear place picture see favourite

Pandas ___ bamboo. They ___ For 12 hours a day. Tigers love hunting. They ____ for ___ hours a day. I love ___. They are awake at ___. sleeplove eat night fox

A B 听音选图片 ( ) 1. ( ) 2. AB B B

A B 听音选图片 ( ) 3. ( ) 4. AB

A B 听音选图片 ( ) 5. ( ) 6. AB