CHAPTER THREE A Where are the Lis? What are they doing? 2-1.


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Presentation transcript:


A Where are the Lis? What are they doing? 2-1

B How much do you know about pandas? Try the quiz below. 1An adult panda usually weighs … kilograms.  50  100  150 2Most of the pandas come from … Province.  Sichuan  Qinghai  Shanxi 3The weather there is … and...  warm and dry  warm and wet  cold and wet 4Pandas usually eat …  meat  fruit  bamboo shoots 2-2

A Read the passage. Panda is the name of an Asian animal. A panda is a large, black and white bear-like animal. It lives in bamboo forests in south-western China. 5-1

The giant panda has a white body with black legs and shoulders. It has a large round head and a white face with small black ears. The panda grows from 1 metre to 1.5 metres tall and has a short tail. An adult panda can weigh up to 150 kilograms. Giant pandas are like bears in shape and size and they walk in the same slow clumsy way. They can also stand up on their hind legs, like bears. The female gives birth to one or two baby pandas once a year. 5-2

A giant panda mainly eats bamboo shoots, but it eats other plants as well. A giant panda may eat as much as 30 kilograms of bamboo a day. Giant pandas are rare and are protected by law in China. 5-3

B Complete the statements below. 1Giant pandas live in ________________________________. 2Giant pandas have ________________ bodies with ____________________. 3An adult panda may weigh ________________. 4Giant pandas may grow _________________________ tall. 5A giant panda looks like ________________ in _______________. 6A mother panda may give birth to _____________________ a year. 7________________ are the giant panda’s favourite food. 8A giant panda may eat _________________ of bamboo a day. 9Pandas are protected by _________________ in China because they are ________________.

C Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases in the box. 1It is raining outside and it is cold _____________. 2The tourists that visit the Great Wall are ______________ from China. 3On 14 October, at 9.23 a.m., my aunt __________________ a baby girl. 4How much do you __________, Ben? 5-5

A Where do pandas live in China? Match places with the numbers on the map. 3-1


B Find some information about other rare animals in China. Write an encyclopaedia article to introduce one of them. 3-3

说 明 本套教材根据牛津英语教材 English First! , On Target! 和 Oxford English ,由上海市中小学(幼儿园)课程改革委员会和牛津大学 出版社(中国)有限公司合作改编。为了使教材更适合深圳学生 的实际情况,又由深圳市科学研究院对现行英语教材(牛津上海 版)进行适当改编。 本册教材供七年级第二学期试用。 本套教材改编顾问:张民伦 原教材改编者:沃振华 李绍贤 朱维庭 施安吉 施志红 杨顺德 本版教材改编者:尚 强 安凤岐 课件制作:卢 璐