Grain Farming, Cattle Farming, Harvesting Hog Farms, Diary Farms, Landscaping Bee Keeping, Truck Driving, Weed Control and a few other agricultural positions. We are adding employers constantly Positions available
Placements are mainly in North and South Dakota states. There are H2A visa’s and some H2B visa options H2A Positions: Your Accommodation & Flights are FREE. Season runs from March 2014 – December Application open around January 2014 Wages range from $10 per hr to $18 per hr. Program Information
Eligibility This program is open to anyone with a South African passport, preferably age 21 and over. You MUST either have good farming knowledge and experience working on a farm, as well as experience using farming equipment. Must be in good health and speak english
Pricing Admin fee:Free Service fee:Free Program fee:Free Visa fees:$ (R1800) Compulsory Travel Insurance:TBA - Is issued in America Airfare:Between R R ( refunded by employer if on H2A ) Recommended Spending Money: R 5 000
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