VO VOCE - Availability and Stability of Resources Enabling Grids for E-sciencE VO VOCE - Availability and Stability of Resources.


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Presentation transcript:

VO VOCE - Availability and Stability of Resources Enabling Grids for E-sciencE VO VOCE - Availability and Stability of Resources Jiří Chudoba, Jaroslava Schovancová, CESNET and Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic We tested stability and availability of VOCE Resources from April to August This period was splitted into three Seasons. The Season I lasted from April 22 nd to May 17 th 2006, the Season II lasted from June 4 th to June 18 th 2006 and the Season III lasted from July 11 th to August 31 st. During the first Season we used the LCG 2.4 RB, during the other Seasons we used the gLite 3.0 RB. This VOCE Resources Testing covers 16 CEs listed in the table above. Not all the CE are covered since the very beginning of our testing, while the number of covered CEs increases with time. The CE Availability is shown in the figure below. Twice a day we submit 50 very short jobs (less than 1 sec of CPU time) to each CE dynamically obtained [glite- job-list-match --vo voce test.jdl] during the normal CE operation activity (this is not a challenge!). Submission to single CEs is time- shifted, we start submission to specific CE, then wait 5 mins, and after these 5 mins we start submission to another CE. Let's assign T 0 to the time when the 50 th job was submitted. According to the paragraph above, the T 0 timetick differs from CE to CE. We check the job status every 10 minutes until number of jobs with states "Done (successfully)" or "Aborted" reaches the number of submitted jobs, or until time exceeds the maximal value T max. We cancel all the affected jobs after time T max. The day-averaged CE reliability time evolution is shown on figures above. The green bar represents percentage rate of jobs "Done (successfully)" after T 1, The blue bar illustrates percentage rate of jobs "Done (successfully)" after T 2 and the red bar symbolizes percentage rate of jobs with status "Done (successfully)" after T 3. the red point denotes the percentage rate of "Running" jobs after T 3. The yellow bar represents days when no job was submitted. The empty space (bar or red point is missing) indicates that some of the submitted jobs were aborted by the CE itself. Several times we tested reliability with 1 hour jobs (20 jobs per CE), the results from the September 8 th 2006 tests are shown in the figure on right. Site status (September 8 th, 2006). Poster presented at EGEE'06 International Conference, Septeber , 2006 in Geneva, Switzerland. The black square denotes that CE was on dynamically obtained list of CE’s, the red circle symbolizes otherwise. Here we show results for 3 time values, T 1 =10 mins, T 2 =1 hr and T 3 =6 hrs. At time T i we compare reliabilities of all CEs. When the site is tested by SFT test, user gets information whether the site passed or failed. However, from our testing user obtains more detailed information, such as percentage rate of successful jobs and its time evolution. Moreover, our testing shows the resources as seen by a common user, while SFT tests often perform under special conditions.