The MYP at The Codrington School
What is the MYP? The IB The Learner Profile The Continuum Unit planning & assessment Service & action Interdisciplinary learning
The Learner Profile Risk taker Caring Balanced Open-minded Knowledgeable Reflective Communicator Principled Inquirer Thinker
Unit Planning & Assessment Key concept Related concepts Global context Statement of inquiry Inquiry questions Assessment inquiryactionreflection
Assessment in the MYP Assessment for exams/tests vs assessment for learning Self and peer assessment Teacher assessment Feedback Criterion-referenced Levels
Assessment in the MYP has increased emphasis on:decreased emphasis on: viewing planning, teaching and assessing as integrated processes viewing planning, teaching and assessing as isolated processes using a range and balance of assessment strategies over-reliance on one assessment strategy or tool involving students in self- and peer- assessment viewing assessment as the sole prerogative of the teacher using a range and balance of recording tools and reporting strategies over-reliance on one strategy of recording and reporting giving students regular and ongoing feedback throughout MYP units of work concluding an MYP unit of work with testing enabling students to see assessment as a means of describing learning and improving learning assessing for the sole purpose of assigning grades assessing the levels of students’ current knowledge and experience before embarking on new learning. embarking on new learning before assessing the levels of students’ current knowledge and experience.
Formative vs Summative Assessment Formative AssessmentsSummative Assessments Ongoing throughout a unitHappen at the end of a unit of work Relate to specific pieces of work Specific MYP subject criteria are assessed Can be marked through levels or general comments Always leveled If rubrics are used they can be very task specific Rubrics are MYP specific or slightly adapted to the task
Types of Activity Multimedia presentations Model building/project completion Essay/article-writing Performance/video- creation Sporting events Tests and examinations Different types of activities may be used to assess different criteria within each subject
Criterion-referenced Assessment 4 objectives per subject group Each objective must be assessed twice a year Each objective corresponds to an assessment criterion Each criterion contains 8 levels of achievement Levels of achievement are descriptors, rather than grades
An example… Criterion AAnalyzingMaximum 8 Criterion BOrganizingMaximum 8 Criterion CProducing textMaximum 8 Criterion DUsing languageMaximum 8 Language & Literature