Skills and Techniques KF 1: Skills and/or techniques are learning in different stages. This will include understanding of the following stages: preparation; practice, automatic. Methods of Practice & Principles of effective practice
Task Identify the stage of learning you are at. Identify the stage of learning you are at. HG - Explain how you know you are at this stage of learning HG - Explain how you know you are at this stage of learning (why? Give reasons in detail) (why? Give reasons in detail) Identify two methods of practice that you will use initially to develop your skill or technique Identify two methods of practice that you will use initially to develop your skill or technique Online Stopwatch Online Stopwatch Online Stopwatch Online Stopwatch
Example I am at the associative stage of learning, regarding the development of my overhead clear I am at the associative stage of learning, regarding the development of my overhead clear I know that I am at the associative stage of learning because I am able to put the subroutines of the skill together quite well and perform with some success. My technique is mostly correct but I still have to think about what I have to do to in order to play the stroke and this means that I do not always play tactically. I still need to refine my technique so it becomes automatic and I can concentrate on other aspects of the game. I know that I am at the associative stage of learning because I am able to put the subroutines of the skill together quite well and perform with some success. My technique is mostly correct but I still have to think about what I have to do to in order to play the stroke and this means that I do not always play tactically. I still need to refine my technique so it becomes automatic and I can concentrate on other aspects of the game. I will use repetition drills and combination drills at this stage I will use repetition drills and combination drills at this stage
Principles of Effective Practice Set clear objectives/goals – short/medium /long term Set clear objectives/goals – short/medium /long term SMART SMART Specific Specific Measurable Measurable Achievable Achievable Relevant Relevant Time related Time related
Principles of Effective Practice Duration Quality essentialQuality essential Short sessions prevents boredomShort sessions prevents boredom Aid concentrationAid concentrationIntensity Organise work to rest ratio appropriatelyOrganise work to rest ratio appropriately High quality practice for a short timeHigh quality practice for a short time Distributed practice effective (additional use of mental rehearsal)Distributed practice effective (additional use of mental rehearsal)
Principles of effective Practice Regularity 2-3 times necessary2-3 times necessary Irregular practice = little carried between sessionsIrregular practice = little carried between sessionsRepetition Whole skill repeated to re/ learnWhole skill repeated to re/ learnProgression Increase demandsIncrease demands Time, opponent, pressure, durationTime, opponent, pressure, duration Link practice to demands of activity e.g game situationLink practice to demands of activity e.g game situation
Other factors to consider Practices should: Practices should: Account for previous experience Account for previous experience Relate to Stage of learning Relate to Stage of learning Be varied & challenging Be varied & challenging Relate to the type of skill (classification) Relate to the type of skill (classification) Last for sufficient time for improvements to occur Last for sufficient time for improvements to occur
Task Devise a training session Devise a training session Duration – 45 minutes Duration – 45 minutes Warm up activity Warm up activity Appropriate drills – (at least 2 -show progression) Appropriate drills – (at least 2 -show progression) Game related activity Game related activity Next week – devise a 6 week programme to follow Next week – devise a 6 week programme to follow Write a different session plan to follow each week – you may adapt it as you work through it. Write a different session plan to follow each week – you may adapt it as you work through it.
Example of a session – week 2 Warm up Warm up Footwork drills, moving to 4 corners of court on my partner’s command. Returning to base position in between each movement. (30 sec x2) Footwork drills, moving to 4 corners of court on my partner’s command. Returning to base position in between each movement. (30 sec x2) Rally with partner, no smashing (3 mins) Rally with partner, no smashing (3 mins) Practice 1 – shadow drill. Practice 1 – shadow drill. Move from base position to shadow overhead clear movement, return to base. Move from base position to shadow overhead clear movement, return to base. 2x10 repetitions with a rest in between while my partner worked 2x10 repetitions with a rest in between while my partner worked
Example of a session – week 2 cont. Practice 2 – Feeder drill Practice 2 – Feeder drill Move from base position to play forehand overhead clear from easy feed, return to base. Move from base position to play forehand overhead clear from easy feed, return to base. 3 x 10 repetitions with a rest in between while my partner worked 3 x 10 repetitions with a rest in between while my partner worked Practice 3 Feeder drill Practice 3 Feeder drill As above but aiming for targets in corners of court on base line As above but aiming for targets in corners of court on base line 2 x 10 repetitions 2 x 10 repetitions Games Games ½ court singles. Ladder tournament within class, continued from last week (30 mins) ½ court singles. Ladder tournament within class, continued from last week (30 mins)