Women arrive at an empty tomb
All four Gospels
Jesus’ discourse on the Mount of Olives (The Olivet Discourse)
Synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke
At the synogogue, Jesus healed a man who had been afflicted by a demon
Mark and Luke
Joseph, Mary, and Jesus flee from Herod to Egypt
Jesus curses a fig tree and it wilts
Matthew and Mark
John the Baptist speaks in the wilderness
All four Gospels
“Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s”
Synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke
John the Baptist is put to death by Herod Antipas
Matthew and Mark
Peter denies that he knows Jesus
All four Gospels
Jesus told a story about a farmer who sowed his seed onto four different kinds of soils
Synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke
Jesus’ appearance is gloriously transfigured
Synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke
The Lord’s Prayer
Matthew and Luke
Jesus taught a parable about being ready for his return by talking about ten young virgins who were waiting with their oil lamps for the coming of the bridegroom.
“Go and make disciples of all the nations.”
Jesus speaks strong words against the scribes and the Pharisees
Synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke
The wise men search for the newborn king
Jesus is buried in a tomb
All four Gospels
A rich young man went away sad because Jesus had told him to sell his possessions and give them to the poor
Synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke
Jesus tells a story of a shepherd who went in search of one of his sheep that was lost
Matthew and Luke
Jesus says that the woman who secretly put a very small gift into the temple treasury gave more than the one who put in much
Mark and Luke