Market Research Purpose Primary Research
Market Research: Advantages Helps focus attention on objectives Aids forecasting, planning and strategic development May help to reduce risk of new product development Communicates image, vision, etc.
Market Research: Disadvantages Information only as good as the methodology used Can be inaccurate or unreliable May stifle initiative and ‘gut feeling’ Always a problem that we may never know enough to be sure!
Primary Research
First hand information Expensive to collect, analyse and evaluate Can be highly focussed and relevant Care needs to be taken with the approach and methodology to ensure accuracy
Primary Research: Purposes To determine if – and how much – demand exists for the proposed product/service To determine qualities/features of the product/service that consumers most desire To determine characteristics of target consumer
Questions Answered by Primary Research Should we create and market this product/service? How should we change the product/service so that the final product satisfies the most consumers? How would we describe the “typical” consumer of our product?
Types of Questions: Open-Ended E.g. ‘What features of our product do you find most useful? Why?’ Good: more detail & quality ‘truer’ answers Bad: time consuming to respondent evaluator
Types of Questions: Closed-Ended E.g. Which factor most influenced your purchase decision: Price Quality Etc. Good: Quick to complete and evaluate Specific target answers Bad: Low quality Possible ‘leading’ answers