1 Definitions CITES Secretariat
2 Overview Article I of the text of the Convention defines a number of terms used in CITES: –species –specimen –trade Attention will also be given to the terms "parts and derivatives", "readily recognizable", and "split-listing"
3 Definitions Species = –Species or –a subspecies or –a geographically separate population
4 Example – White rhinoceros Species Also applies to all specimens outside the natural range, such as introduced populations or captive specimens Ceratotherium simum
5 Example – White rhinoceros Species Ceratotherium simum cottoni Northern white rhinoceros
6 Example – White rhinoceros Species Ceratotherium simum simum Southern white rhinoceros
7 Example – White rhinoceros Species Ceratotherium simum simum (Population of South Africa)
8 Definitions Split-listing –Listing of a species in more than one Appendix should generally be avoided in view of the enforcement problems it creates –When split-listing does occur, it should generally be on the basis of national or continental populations, rather than subspecies Resolution Conf (Rev. CoP16) Example: Ostrich (Struthio camelus) Only the populations of Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, the Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and the Sudan are included in Appendix I All other populations are not included in the Appendices
9 A specimen is: Animal or plant, alive or dead or Any readily recognizable parts or derivatives of plant or animal species Specific parts of Appendix-II plants or Appendix-III animals and plants may be included or excluded Definitions
10 General applicability
11 General applicability ** The Parties have agreed that for plant species included in Appendix II, the absence of an annotation relating to that species indicates that all readily recognizable parts and derivatives are included There are currently no Appendix III listings of animals that specify the inclusion of certain parts and derivatives, and this is interpreted as meaning all parts and derivatives of Appendix III animals are included
12 Skins or parts thereof Skeleton or bones Shells Horn, tusks or teeth Feathers Eggs Roots/leaves Meat Wood Definitions Parts
13 Derivatives Blood Musk Objects made from parts (ivory piano keys, handbags, fur coats, belts, watch straps, shoes, gloves etc) Medicine containing CITES species Perfume from CITES species Preparations from meat Definitions
14 Definitions Readily recognizable part or derivative -The term 'readily recognizable part or derivative' includes any specimen which appears from an accompanying document, the packaging or a mark or label, or from any other circumstances, to be a part or derivative of an animal or plant of a species included in the Appendices, unless such part or derivative is specifically exempted from the provisions of the Convention Resolution Conf. 9.6 (Rev. CoP16)
15 Definitions Trade -Trade is defined as: export re-export import, and introduction from the sea = =export of any specimen that has previously been imported
16 Definitions "Introduction from the sea" means transportation into a State of specimens of any species which were taken in the marine environment not under the jurisdiction of any State Article I "The marine environment not under the jurisdiction of any State" means those marine areas beyond the areas subject to the sovereignty or sovereign rights of a State consistent with international law, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Resolution Conf (Rev. CoP16)
17 CITES Secretariat Geneva