Importance of Imaging for Degenerative and Barlow‘s Disease Michael A. Borger MD PhD Columbia University Medical Center New York Presbyterian
What Do I Want to Know From Pre-MV Repair Imaging? Direction of regurgitant jet Complex or simple MR jet Area of prolapse or leaflet restriction Location of unexplained jet Length of AML Length of left ventricle Distance to circumflex artery
P2 Prolapse: 3D TEE Assessment
P2 Prolapse: Assessing Pathology
P2 Prolapse: Loop Measurement
P2 Prolapse: Securing Loops to PM
Insertion of Loops on Leaflet
Water Test
Watch For „Secondary“ Lesions
Finding and Correcting „Secondary“ Lesions
A2 / A3 Cleft Closure
Post-Cleft Closure Water Test
Barlow’s Pathognomonic Findings Leaflet thickening Redundant tissue Chordal lengthening Bileaflet prolapse / billowing Annular dilatation +/- Calcification D. Adams
TTE View of Barlow’s Valve
Barlow’s Valve: Intraoperative Inspection
Stitch (Prolene 4-0) enters 1 cm from AML free edge and exits 1 cm from posterior annulus Edge-to-Edge Barlow’s MV Repair
Barlow’s Edge-to-Edge: Sealing Test
Post-Alfieri for Barlow’s Echo
Valve area: 3.0 cm 2 Gradient: 3 mm Hg (mean) Post-Alfieri for Barlow’s Echo
Relative Contraindications to Edge-to-Edge Barlow’s Repair - asymmetric prolapse - multiple flail segments - small annulus (rare)
Assymetric Barlow’s TEE
Assymetric (“bifid”) Barlow’s
Assymetric Barlow’s
Assymetric Barlow’s: Loop Repair
Assymetric Barlow’s: Assessing Repair
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