East Midlands Platform Event Worklessness and Health Wednesday 10 th February 2016 Neil Wood Health and Wellbeing Manager Public Health England – East of England / Mob:
“We know that not having a job or enough money to live on, or somewhere decent to live are barriers to people’s good health and wellbeing” Duncan Selbie, 2013
Jobcentre Plus helps people of working age into employment through resources to find work, information about training and other opportunities. In Essex Jobcentre staff are trained as Social Justice Coaches providing increased levels of support to vulnerable individuals struggling to find work. The role uses a holistic assessment of the claimants’ needs and a coaching model to identify, support and address each individual’s barriers to securing work and consider actions to move forward. “Being in employment is one of the most important factors on an individual’s health and wellbeing, but for many within the ‘system’ their problems relating to unemployment, benefits, poor housing, debt or other issues are such that their health and mental health needs are seen as a lower priority.”
Outcomes Stars are a suite of tools for measuring change when working with people. Jobcentre Plus uses the ‘Work Star’ which covers: Job-specific skills Aspiration and motivation Job search skills Stability Basic skills Social skills for work and Challenges (soon to change to Wellbeing) Coaches identified the majority of benefit recipients had poor health and mental health (in particular, low levels of self- esteem), but… …had neither the training or awareness or links with providers to signpost or refer into local services, so…
Royal Society for Public Health Level 2 Award in Understanding Health Improvement Developed in support of the Health Trainer role and equips people with the skills to provide basic health advice. It covers: Inequalities in health How effective communication can support health messages Importance of promoting improvements in health and wellbeing Impact of behaviour change on health and wellbeing Essex County Council agreed to train Social Justice Coaches Equipped Coaches with the knowledge, understanding and confidence to encourage claimants to consider making positive lifestyle changes in support of their health and mental health Enabled signposting to appropriate local services whilst also supporting claimants to address other issues in their efforts to secure employment. And…
…better understood the positive contribution they might make to improving the health and wellbeing of their customers just by helping them get back into work…
And so, what happened next… Referrals into Health Trainer services and encouragement to train as Health Champions. NHS Health Checks delivered in Jobcentres ‘Social prescribing’ to the Mid Essex Exercise Referral Scheme. A monthly Forum co-ordinated by the Jobcentre (a support group for customers identified as having low self-esteem). A Mind Support Time and Recovery (STaR) worker supporting applications and assessment for Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) via Wellbeing / Improved Access Psychological Therapy (IAPT) Services. Referrals to support from Mind in Essex. ‘Stepping Forwards’, an in-house group talking session, that develops motivation and self-esteem. Closer working with Open Road supporting addiction programmes.
As a result… Customers have stopped smoking. Customers have lost weight using the weight management programme and through other local exercise initiatives. Participants with multiple health barriers have returned to work and use the Forum for ongoing support. The application and assessment for CBT is often oversubscribed. All participants of the first ‘Stepping Forwards’ group have linked up on social networking and other than one client (due to a fractured leg) have moved into work, half of the group have applied to volunteer on future groups even when they are working. Wellbeing / IAPT service providers in Essex are delivering services from a number of Jobcentres. Jobcentre Plus is now a key part of Essex County Council’s approach to ‘Make Every Contact Count’ (MECC)…
“My opinion is that MECC only works at scale and through increasing both health literacy and brief intervention skills of the general population. The more people from different backgrounds and in different settings we can equip with these skills the better and wider effect we’ll have.” Chris French, Essex County Council
“Like many in Jobcentre Plus I’ve seen how our claimants’ health and mental health deteriorates, how confidence and self-esteem has been stripped away and replaced with anxiety and fear. The training has had an enormous impact on me in many ways, it has boosted my confidence and motivation. It has also encouraged me and colleagues to think creatively about how we work with a range of new partners in support of the health and wellbeing of our customers. I now refer or issue information and advice to both claimants and staff at every available opportunity. “ Thea Campbell, Social Justice Consultant
And the winner of the Innovation in Action Award is… Essex County Council ‘You make the difference in Essex 2015’
Thank you for listening Neil Wood Health and Wellbeing Manager Public Health England – East of England / Mob: