Job Performance Requirement Horseshoe Load
A Start the load at a rear corner of the hose bed with the hose on its side. JPR 10-17A
B Lay the hose toward the front wall of the hose bed and then along the wall to the other side and back toward the rear. JPR 10-17B
C At the rear, fold the hose alongside itself and head back to where it started. Fold it again and another “U” is formed. JPR 10-17C
D When the bed is filled, start a new layer by laying the hose flat on its side and continue to the front of the bed. Continue the hose down the side of the bed toward the rear, or JPR 10-17D
E lay a few flakes of hose on top longways for quick access. Attach a hose strap, ball valve, hose bag, or other set of appliances or devices deemed necessary for quick deployment. JPR 10-17E