African Elephants By Danika
Appearance GGGGray and bumpy skin 11111 feet tall CCCCan be fast MMMMale size 6000 Kg FFFFemale size 4000 to 5000 Kg
Habitat W W W Western and Eastern Sahara GGGGrass lands CCCClean water
Eating habits Needs 6000 pounds of food a day Eats leaves, grass, and fruit Tears down food with trunk Herbivores
Behaviors and Traits LLLLives 60 to 80 years KKKKeeps young with them for 22 months TTTTusks are over grown teeth HHHHas herds of 5 to 40 elephants LLLLargest land mammal
Resources Johnson, Sylvia A. Elephants Around The World Carol Rhoda books.1977 Children’s Britannica. Volume 6. Encyclopedia Britannica,inc Revielli, Anthony. Elephants- Last of the Land Giants Parents magazine Press African Wild Life Gallery hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... ssss aaaa vvvv eeee nnnn uuuu eeee ssss.... cccc oooo mmmm //// wwww iiii llll dddd llll iiii ffff eeee //// dddd eeee ffff uuuu aaaa llll tttt.... hhhh tttt mmmm
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