Do a Survey Check the Cupboards. Check the Pantry. Check the Refrigerator. Check the Freezer.
Plan Meals Talk to your roommates/family. Who will prepare? Decide what is needed.
Make a list Items needed Meal items Group Foods Read It Stick to It!
Clip Coupons Manufacturer’s Coupons Store Coupons “Double Coupon” Days Be Choosy
Be a Label-Reader Grams of Fat Grams of Saturated Fat Calories from Fat Compare Similar Products
Be a Choosy Chooser Vegetables Broccoli Carrots Corn on the Cob Lettuce Greens Potatoes Tomatoes
Be a Choosy Chooser Fruits Apples Bananas Kiwi Melons Oranges Peaches Pears
Be a Choosy Chooser Meats Beef Pork Chicken Turkey
Avoid an Impulse Don’t go to the grocery store on an empty stomach Avoid the “snack aisle” Bring your list and stick to it. Take only the coupons for the items on your list to the store. Choose something small. Try to shop for two weeks worth of groceries.