Welcome to Speaking Effectively! Business Speech and Presentation Ashton Converse Elevator Speeches and Persuasive Speeches
Objectives/Schedule Welcome: How was your Fu hou jie? Informative Speeches: Any more? Who still needs to give their informative speech? Feedback on Speeches Do well and need to improve Elevator Speeches in relation to Business Plans Practice Persuasive Speeches Example: The best drum and lower pollution levels Speech Requirements for next week.
Any Other Speeches? Last week, not everyone was able to do their speech. Who still needs to speak? Are there any people today that need to give their INFORMATIVE speech? You will lose some points, but you can still get a score instead of a “0”.
Speech Feedback Last Week and Today There are some things you did correctly and there are some things you really need to improve on Every speech has space for improvements, but each time we can improve our overall speaking skills!
Things Done Well Overall Good Volume Overall, this was the best skill you all used Many of you had a decent rate (speed) The times you did not have a decent rate is when you were nervous. Keep practicing Eye contact was ok Not too many people were just reading from their notes, which was good. Informed of Topic: we knew the topic
Areas to Improve Gestures: Mainly one or two people used some gestures Others leaned on the table too much Some of you would hide behind the computer…this shows a lack of confidence in your message Single Eye Contact: look at all of audience Relax and practice so rate is better Know your speech and practice to be CONFIDENT Time: practice, practice…too far over the time limit Use visual aides (picture, prop, object, PPT, movie) Conclusion and Introduction: be excited, gain attention
Business Plan Review What is the purpose or reason for a company to have a business plan? Guides the DIRECTION of the company and keeps them focused on the goals and design of their objective What are some of the main parts? Name, Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Competitive Advantage, 5-Year Plan, Budget, Etc…
Elevator Speech What is an elevator? E lectronic lift that can raise or lower people or things from one area to another Elevator Speech 1 minute speech to explain about yourself, your business, your goals, and your passions. Y our audience knows none of these. C an you present your vision smoothly with ease and gain their attention to wonder more?
Elevator Speeches Elevator Speech Reason We call it elevator speech because sometime you are on an elevator or waiting for a bus or subway and you only have 1 minute or less to tell someone important about yourself or business. Why would you want to tell someone about yourself or your business? Interview, Job, Investors, money, partnership, employees, advertise, promote ideas, etc.
You Have 1 Minute to Say it All 1 Minute You have only 1 minute to say everything about your idea, business, or yourself. Sometimes you only have 30 seconds 1. You need to gain the person’s attention 2. Then you need to communicate your point/topic/main MESSASGE quickly (end with giving contact info.) 3. You need to be clear, confident, outgoing; 4. A good pitch takes planning and practice Then you will be able to do it quickly under pressure
Elevator Speech Example “Parks and Recreation” Season 4 Episode 19: Starts at 1:30 and ends right around 2:33 minutes Look for the following 5 things: 1. Gestures, hand motions, nonverbal language 2. Facial Expressions 3. Attention getter and introduction 4. Visual Aides 5. Conclusion
Your Turn: About You You have 1.5 minutes to think of your elevator speech (why would they want to higher you?) I want you to find just one more person that you DO NOT KNOW! Give them your elevator speech when I say START (do not begin before I say start, I will time you) When I say stop, you must STOP ARE YOU READY!!!????
Next Week in Class You Will Give an Elevator Speech Next Week Make sure to BE HERE as your grade will lower if you do not perform your speech. Also, YOU will be evaluating some of the speakers this time so they can have feedback and you can learn to evaluate Come Prepared to give a 1 MINUTE Elevator Speech Talk about yourself or what your business does Sell your idea to us and make sure to include the main parts of elevator speeches! PRACTICE!
Persuasive Speech What does the word persuade mean? To be persuasive is the… action of persuading someone to accept, like, and/or agree with your thoughts Intelligence, creativity, and evidence are the main areas of persuasion Not force, power, or authority
WHEN TO PERSUADE…?! What are some examples of when people would want to use a persuasive speech? 1. To improve or better something Environment, safety, management, government 2. To prove their side, idea, or plan is the best Marketing idea, design, pollution solution, food, knowledge, any system or action, sports, music, etc 3. To create change or difference in something Better health, safer lifestyle, newer ideas, modern, debates, lawsuits, etc.
Main Parts of a Persuasive Speech The Introduction must truly grasp the attention of the audience. BE STRONG and CONFIDENT Give emotion to your speech Serious, sad, put us in awe, excitement, facts, questions, quotes, history, the future, present time, happy, dangerous, risky, BE INTERESTING The Conclusion must truly persuade or make the audience really THINK! Change the minds, or get them to at least question their thoughts.
Persuasive Speech Example TO BE PROVIDED IN THE FUTURE Look for ideas online to learn more for your self… For we can learn in the classroom, but deeper understanding of a subject involves our own effort to work at learning more about something outside of the classroom.
Brainstorm Persuasion Topics For the next 5 minutes, I want you and 2-3 other people to talk about important and current persuasion topics Make a list and do not stop until I SAY SO This will help you for your Midterm Exam Your midterm exam will be a persuasive speech
START PREPARING PREPARE before you Persuade First figure out your topic, then start planning: brainstorm ideas Research important data, stats, information Organize: Write an outline of your speech Attention getter (introduction), body, conclusion, etc. Practice, Revise (change), practice again, ask for help, and time yourself
MIDTERM EXAM YOUR EXAM WILL BE on April 23 rd, Tuesday night MAKE SURE TO BE HERE THEN AND NEXT WEEK AS we will be talking and discussing about more of the details to have a good score on your midterm. SEE YOU NEXT WEEK AND HAVE A GOOD HOLIDAY!