Lobbying 101
Why Don’t They Just Get It?
What Do Legislators Consider When Deciding Their Position on an Issue What do I personally believe about this issue? Do I already have a position on this? How will this impact my district? What do my constituents think?
What Do Legislators Consider... Cont’d. How are other legislators “like me” voting on this? (E.g, party, state, etc.) What are the media and other “opinion leaders” saying about this and/or me? What is the political/electoral impact of this for me? For my party? For my opponents?
Do Your Homework What related past positions and votes has the legislator taken? How were they received in her district? What is the district like? Do they have other legislative responsibilities that might affect their position (chair a committee or a caucus?) Who do they listen to? Know the context.
Make sure they hear from the right people: Constituents; Issue experts; Constituents; Opinion leaders; Constituents; Political organizations; Constituents; Other legislators; Constituents
Talking to A Legislator And Their Staff Frame the message Keep it short and to the point One page rule Be accurate All politics is local Flies and honey What is the “ask”
Contraceptive Coverage and Sample Elevator Speech
Pair off and practice your elevator pitches.