Welcome to IEP Listening Scott Findlay
Class Information Teacher: Scott Allan Findlay (스캇 핀들리) Email: scottfindlay@yahoo.com Website: safenglish.wordpress.com Office: 인문대 1호관 213-1호 (after 2pm – make an appointment) Textbook: Unlock 2
Textbook: Unlock 2 We will start using the textbook on Wednesday!
Website: safenglish.wordpress.com If you want extra study material (online sites) If you want to prepare for tomorrow’s class If you lose your handout If you have missed a class and want to see what we did If you want to practice your English out of class If you have insomnia and can’t sleep
Materials Just bring the textbook to class and a pencil (or pen), extra paper, eraser, dictionary and notebook to organize your handouts.
Name tag Please make a name tag with your Korean and English name Please bring it to class so the teacher and other students remember your name If you want, you can use an English name or Korean name – it’s your choice
Classes There are 35 classes If you miss more than 20 classes for all sections, without reason, you will repeat Please come to class on time If you will be absent, tell (or email: scottfindlay@yahoo.com) the teacher If you’re hungry, bring a snack to class
Class activities A lot of this class involves speaking Don’t be shy Remember practice makes perfect
Class activities Like any activity, the more you practice the better you become Does anyone speak English outside of class?
Listening Listening is a frustrating skill because it’s hard to measure You don’t see the improvement day after day Listen to something, test yourself, after some time try to test yourself again
Listening You don’t have to hear every word (usually verb is most important) Sometimes just get the gist of listening Listen to what you enjoy (don’t turn on CNN) Don’t listen to something too hard Don’t use subtitles (your brain will start to read it) There are some sites on my website you can link to (safenglish.wordpress.com)
Scott Findlay 25 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Read Watch movies Exercise Travel Sept 17, 2003 회, 막창 창원, 포항 여수, 광주 2007
이름 쓰찌마세요 Baseball Suncheon I want to study in US next summer 루비 김밥나라 Chemical Engineering 21
Homework (숙제) Read the syllabus If you have time, look at the website (safenglish.wordpress.com) Keep your name tag for tomorrow’s class, Wednesday’s class, etc. Get the textbook for Wednesday If you have any questions, ask (or email) me