California Healthy Kids Survey St. Helena Unified School District Presentation to the Board of Trustees 8 November 2012
Background The California Health Kids Survey (CHCKS) is a youth health risk and resilience data collection service sponsored by the California Department of Education (CDE) – Implementation began in Fall 2003 – Administered Biannually Purpose is to promote the well-being and positive development of all youth.
Keep in Mind 1.No community is without problems that need to be identified and addressed. 2.Drug use, violence and other health risks are not just school issues; they are society, community, and family issues. 3.Schools are often safe havens in their communities. 4.The CHKS results help districts focus resources and develop programs. To address any problem you first need to identify and understand it. 5.Reducing risk behaviors and promoting positive youth development are key efforts to improve schools and promote academic success among all students. 6.Our goal is to determine what we can do to support and help our community’s youth lead healthy, satisfying, and productive life's.
Resiliency Measures Measures of Resiliency Included in the CHKS are: – caring relationships, – high expectations, and – opportunities for meaningful participation. These factors are linked to success and well-being in youth and are linked to high level of success and life satisfaction throughout adulthood.
Resiliency Trends in St. Helena OVERALL RESULTS 7th (%)9th (%)11th (%) School Environment Total Assets Caring Relationships High Expectations Meaningful Participation Community Environment Total Assets Caring Relationships High Expectations Meaningful Participation School Connectedness Scale LATINO 7th (%)9th (%)11th (%) School Environment Total Assets Caring Relationships High Expectations Meaningful Participation Community Environment Total Assets Caring Relationships High Expectations Meaningful Participation School Connectedness Scale WHITE (NON-LATINO) 7th (%)9th (%)11th (%) School Environment Total Assets Caring Relationships High Expectations Meaningful Participation Community Environment Total Assets Caring Relationships High Expectations Meaningful Participation School Connectedness Scale
Resiliency Comparisons High Wealth Districts
Resiliency Comparisons Local Districts
Alcohol Use Trends
Marijuana Use Trends
School Trends for Combined Alcohol and Drug Use
Student Safety Concerns
Mental Health Concerns Frequency of Sad or Hopeless Feelings, Past 12 Months 7th (%)9th (%)11th (%) No Yes Seriously Considered Attempting Suicide, Past 12 Months 9th (%)11th (%) No Yes147 16