Fermi Race to build your own NASA satellite! Lynn Cominsky Sonoma State University
Fermi Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope
Fermi What Are Gamma Rays?
Fermi Fermi goes into Space This animation shows Fermi launching into Earth orbit and observing the sky in gamma rays Fermi was launched on June 10, 2008 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida
Fermi What are the parts of Fermi? Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
Fermi Large Area Telescope Has 16 towers – each uses E=mc 2 to detect gamma-rays
Fermi Gamma-ray skymap Radio galaxy Globular cluster High-mass binary Bright blazar Gamma-ray pulsar Radio galaxy Globular cluster High-mass binary Bright blazar Gamma-ray pulsar Radio galaxy Globular cluster High-mass binary Bright blazar Gamma-ray pulsar Radio galaxy Globular cluster High-mass binary Bright blazar Gamma-ray pulsar Radio galaxy Globular cluster High-mass binary Bright blazar Gamma-ray pulsar
Fermi Fermi Race Game Play in teams of two Open both packs of cards – shuffle well then deal 8 cards to each person The rest of the cards are the “draw deck” Start by building satellite Once you have all the parts, turn over the board and be the first to observe 5 objects
Fermi On each turn Draw card from deck Play Satellite (or Object) + Experience cards if you can Play Action cards if you want to If you have less than 4 cards, take more from deck. If you have more than 8 cards, discard some to pile
Fermi Blue Experience Cards Left hand side is for Stage 1: Right side is for Stage 2 – these are points needed to observe objects Educator card Science team card There are also “Wild Cards”
Fermi Yellow borders = Action Cards Control flow of game – Offensive and Defensive There are also “Instant Action” defensive cards which can counteract your opponents actions
Fermi Double Sided cards Red borders = Satellite part cards – use in Stage 1 1 Science team card AND 1 Educator card 1 Science team card OR 2 Educator cards What you need for the satellite part
Fermi Double Sided cards Green borders = Space object cards – use in Stage 2 How many points you need for this object The first player to get different objects wins!