ARI Writing /7th Lesson Plans Teachers: Van Syoc and Villnueva
Unit TEKS: (RS/SS) 2. Vocabulary Development 14D. Edit for Grammar, Mechanics and Spelling
Read 20 mins a day Subject: ARI DATE: 3/24/14 ObjectiveWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ Homework HOT ****7 th GRADE WRITING WORKSHOP*****
Read 20 mins a day Subject: ARI DATE: 3/25/14 ObjectiveWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ Homework HOT *****7 th GRADE WRITING WORKSHOP******
Read 20 mins a day Subject: ARI DATE: 3/26/14 ObjectiveWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ Homework HOT Kilgo verbs matching game. STS will work independently for 8 minutes, in pairs for 8 minutes, as a class for the rest of the time. SWBAT: match various Kilgo verbs with their definition to ensure each one knows what each question of the STAAR is asking. Scholastic Online Warm Up Matching gameHow will learning these verbs help me on the STAAR next week ? 3E: Students will share in cooperative groups (after working individually) the answers to the matching game.
Scholastic Online Warm Up Read 20 mins a day Subject: ARI DATE: 3/27/14 ObjectiveWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ Homework HOT Everyday Edit Racing Game (One team is at the white boards, the other is sitting at the desks racing to see who finds the 10 mistakes first…then switch) SWBAT: break into two teams and race to identify ten (10) grammatical mistakes in an Everyday Edit. Game How does a race/game help me remember information? 3G: Students will express ideas and opinions in a team setting while working to find the ten (10) errors in a paragraph.
Scholastic Online Warm Up 3E: Students will share in a cooperative group the answers to the editing passages. Read 20 mins a day Subject: ARI DATE: 3/28/14 ObjectiveWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ Homework HOT Editing passage as a class (two or three passages completed as a class) Editing passages SWBAT: edit two or three passages (based on time) so be fully prepared for the STAAR test. Name two things you will take away from today’s lesson.