Ephesus and First Love Revelation 2: 1-7
Ephesus and First Love Rev. 2:1-7 We know most of Ephesus from “Ephesians” and Acts Most important city of Asia (Turkey) Temple of Artemis (goddess Diana) a ‘wonder of the world’! Industry of silver idols almost got Paul killed. (Acts 19:23ff) Paul left Timothy in Ephesus to lead. John may have replaced Timothy.
Ephesus and First Love Rev. 2:1-7 Jesus judges, says “I know” to all 7 Three commendations: 1. hard work. 2. endurance or perseverance. 3. orthodoxy – truth teaching! Nicolaitans were “tested… found false.” Their ‘practices’ were hated! Great church, right? One complaint They left their first love.
Ephesus and First Love Rev. 2:1-7 “Because of the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold…” Matt 24: 12 True mark of the church is love. They worked with vigor, but not love They endured, tested without love. “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” (Col. 3:14)
Ephesus and First Love Rev. 2:1-7 Jesus commands loveless church: - remember - repent… …and do the things you did at first! If not – terminated. Removed. We must live in and practice Love! Those who obey – heaven with Jesus forever! Remember your first love!