German Physics on Stage Symposium „Physics in School and Society“ during public science week „Physics and Life“ Deutsches Museum,


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Presentation transcript:

German Physics on Stage Symposium „Physics in School and Society“ during public science week „Physics and Life“ Deutsches Museum, Munich, Michael Kobel Bonn University OPAL, ATLAS, D0 European Particle Physics Outreach Group Meeting, Geneva,

Aims and Program Distribute PoS workshop theses + translation + 18´ video on CD Collect feedback, partially in written form before symposium, from ministries (federal, central), didactics, curriculum responsibles Write a Symposium Report (in English) by January 2002 Input this to the workshops for Noordwijk, April 2002 Program: 9:00-12:30 closed expert round (about 30 persons) Politicians Science administrators Didactics Teachers and Teacher trainers Research Industry... 14:30-16:30 public discussion (podium and plenum) „only“ about 60 persons, but very lifely

Central Items (my view) Start physics education as soon as possible (Kindergarten!) Need broad teachers training Work intensively on public attitude to physics Establish international database of modern teaching material „physics on stage institute“.....  wait for Symposium report Suggestion: Collect similar feedback from all countries