SLOAC The Skyline Way1 Presented by: Skyline College SLOAC Committee
SLOAC The Skyline Way2 Why SLOAC Meet accreditation standards Increase dialogue Improve student learning Take charge of the process Make informed decisions about teaching and learning Validate how well we are teaching
SLOAC The Skyline Way3 AND…. Openly define student roll and teacher roll According to CHEA (Council For Higher Education Accreditation), “learning is a complex process and institutions and programs are not solely responsible for it. How much a student learns is frequently as dependent upon how much he or she invests in the process as on the conditions for learning created by institutions and programs. Learning is about mutual expectations. Faculty expects learners to come to learning situations prepared and committed to learn. Learners, in turn, expect faculty to create effective learning opportunities that hold them to appropriate standards and that help them to attain these standards.
SLOAC The Skyline Way4 Section I College Implementation
(pg. 6)SLOAC The Skyline Way5 The Process
Implementers Institutional Level Plans Implementers Assessors Plans Assessors Plans Implementers Assessors COLLEGE IMPLEMENTATION MODEL OF SLOAC Relationships Cycle Course and Student Support Services Level Program Level
(6-7,10-11)SLOAC The Skyline Way7 Getting Started Skyline College’s Philosophy (pg. 10) Starting Points Institutional SLOAC & Program SLOAC (later) Course/Services SLOAC Time frame is one-third of SLO’s by next year (our program review), next year next third, next year final third. One idea for the division: 1st group is developmental, next group is transfer, final group is Calc and above.
SLOAC The Skyline Way8 Section II Creating Student Learning Outcomes
(14-16)SLOAC The Skyline Way9 What are student learning outcomes? An SLO is a clear statement of what a student should learn and be able to demonstrate upon completing a course or program. It describes the assessable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities or attitudes that students should attain by the end of a learning process.
(17-20)SLOAC The Skyline Way10 Objectives vs. SLOs Input (what teachers do to present material) vs. Output (what students are able to do after learning has taken place) Discrete vs. Overarching The Checklist (p.20) Assessment part is difficult to get at first; guess and check and revise!
(21)SLOAC The Skyline Way11 Writing Student Learning Outcomes Major Assignments or Activities Approach Objectives Approach (pg 21 & 23) Use old outline & brainstorm from last meeting to start…
SLOAC The Skyline Way12 Section III Outcomes Assessment
(37)SLOAC The Skyline Way13 Assessment Definition Assessment is the systematic collection, analysis, interpretation and use of information to understand and improve teaching and learning.
(37-39)SLOAC The Skyline Way14 Outcomes Assessment Skyline’s Philosophy (pg. 37) Why assess? What is assessment? What is assessment for? What is assessment not for? Who will assess? How will we use assessment?
(40-41)SLOAC The Skyline Way15 Direct And Indirect Measures Direct: Methods of collecting information about student learning that require students to display their knowledge, skills and/or abilities. Indirect: Methods of collecting information about student learning that ask students to reflect on their learning rather than demonstrate it.
(42)SLOAC The Skyline Way16 Assessment Planning Timeline: Fully implemented assessment plan for one course in the first year, next course in the next year, etc. Components (pgs ) Intended SLO Approach, Major Assignment, Method & Criteria Outcome Results Analysis & Action
SLOAC The Skyline Way17 End