College Prep Chemistry Lesson #08 LESSON GOALS: Finalize research project topic proposal (paragraph) Introduce “Uncertainty” idea for instruments/equipment Do a lab on Measuring Complete the Ch. 1 vocabulary (listed at bottom of pg. 49) 1/5
Uncertainty I will give a brief “lecture” on how to determine the Uncertainty of a piece of equipment. 2/5
Measurement Lab You will be completing the Measurement lab on page 48 of your Chemistry textbook. Make sure that your lab-group has all of the members’ names on a piece of paper. – This paper will be your lab report. Answer all of the questions to the best of your group members’ ability. The CHART will need to be recreated ON YOUR LAB REPORT! Do NOT record the results in your textbook. 3/5
Chapter 1 Definitions (p. 49) It is very important to be aware of and understand the definitions of the vocabulary for each chapter. Complete the definitions individually. Turn these in for participation credit. You will receive them back (in the Outbox) to place in your notebook. – Remember that you are often allowed to use your notes on quizzes and tests! These will prove helpful to you. 4/5
Looking Ahead: For the next class we will continue our work on Chapter 1. 5/5