Making Tracks Toward 7th Grade Wunderlich Intermediate School Home of the WILDCATS!!
Let’s get ready to jump into 7 th grade
7 th Grade Assistant Principal Mr. Parks 7 th Grade Secretary Mrs. Villa
Counselors Britney Jackson 6 th Grade (will be 7 th next year) Sherretta Austin7 th Grade (will be 8 th next year) Jennifer Garcia 8 th Grade (will be 5 th next year) Tequilla McMillan ESL/At-Risk Chanda Pierre Case Manager
Topics of Discussion Required Courses Placement Elective Courses General Information Questions
REQUIRED COURSES English Language Arts (2 periods) with the exception of English Language Arts PreAP & PreAP-GT (1 period) Math (2 periods) Science Social Studies Physical Education
Before your child leaves intermediate school he/she must take… One year of Physical Education/Athletics must be taken in grade 6 and either grade 7 or grade 8 giving the student a total of 2 PE units. Only one PE/Athletic course may be taken in a school year. A fine arts course must be taken in grades 6, 7, or 8 Credit Information High School courses will be given high school credit but grade point values earned will not be included in the student’s high school class rank. One semester HS credit is denoted by.5. (4) Courses not indicated by (Sem), one semester course, are automatically year long, or a 1.0 course.
Placement Regular classes Pre-AP classes Pre-AP/GT classes
PreAP Classes Designed to challenge motivated students and prepare them for success in college level course work in high school and college. The decision to take Pre-AP classes rests with parents and students. These classes move at a faster pace, are more academically challenging, and require more independent learning and homework than a regular academic course. Taken from Klein ISD Intermediate School Class Catalog Handbook. Pg.5
When considering PreAP keep in mind: Klein ISD’s academic curriculum is a college- bound curriculum While PreAP courses are designed to better prepare students for AP, PreAP courses are not a requirement for enrolling in AP courses (in high school) Always check the course description for prerequisites Taken from Klein ISD Intermediate School Class Catalog pg. 5
When considering PreAP keep in mind: PreAP is not “all or nothing.” Students may take from one to all of their core classes in PreAP Students develop academic readiness at different rates and may not be ready for PreAP at the same time as their friends or classmates If you are considering PreAP and have further questions talk to your child’s current teacher. Taken from Klein ISD Intermediate School Class Catalog pg. 5
Profile of a Successful PreAP Student Professes interest in subject selected Develops and maintains excellent study skills and habits Carefully considers time commitments and balances academic load with family life or outside commitments Asks questions and participates in class Perseveres when faced with challenging material Asks for assistance when needed Plans and works ahead on long-term projects Taken from Klein ISD Intermediate School Class Catalog pg. 5
Pre-AP Gifted & Talented classes Students must already be enrolled in the GT program to select these classes. Please check the KISD website for the referral process. x?name=cigt.home x?name=cigt.home
Improvement Classes English/Language Arts Students who do not pass or do not perform well on the Reading state test will be placed in a specific English/Language Arts Power Reading Class. This will take the place of an elective on your child’s schedule. If your child is currently enrolled in a power reading or dyslexia intervention class, he or she may need to take a full year or PE and/or a full year of an Fine Art class (Band, Orchestra, Art, or Theater Arts)
Placement – ESL English as a Second Language NAC – New Arrival Center (new arrivals less than 1 year) Level 1 – Non-English Speaking Beginning Level Level 2 – Limited English Speaking Intermediate Level Level 3 – Fluent English Speaking Advanced Level **Woodcock-Munoz and TELPAS determine level placement. ESL Counselor: Ms. McMillan
Athletics Students may choose to participate in an athletic sport to satisfy the physical education requirement. In order for your child to be considered for athletics they need to indicate their interest by choosing Athletics on the preference sheet. Final selections are made by the coaching staff. If your child decides they are interested in athletics after turning in their preference sheet, contact the appropriate coach for the appropriate paperwork. If the change needs to be made the coach will then notify your child’s counselor. Boys: Football, Basketball, Track Girls: Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Swimming For questions about swimming please contact Coach Harris at
ELECTIVE COURSES Full Year Electives Art ( Fee) Band ( Fee) Choir ( Fee) Orchestra (Fee) Theatre Arts Spanish I (HS) French I (HS) Exploratory Language Adolescent Literature Number Sense PATH Office Aide 7th grade students have the opportunity for elective classes if there is not a need for a Reading Improvement class Semester Electives (2 = 1 year) Intro to Tech Theater Touch Systems Data Entry (fee) (HS) Crafts (fee) Principles of Human Services (fee) (HS) Office Aide Adolescent Literature Number Sense Professional Communications Career Focus (HS)
Choosing an Elective Consider fees Make certain you are on track to meet the pre- requisite for the elective you choose (example: student behavior for choosing office aide) All students who choose Band, Orchestra, or Choir are initially placed in the same course number until the screening process can be completed by the directors. Call sponsor/director if you need more information
Changing Electives A parent signature is required for changing an elective. Please submit this written request to your child’s counselor. Changes will be honored if possible DISTRICT DEADLINE – Thursday June 9, 2016 is the last day for schedule changes. Please request any changes before this date. Schedules are set once school begins. Changes are made only when classes need to be leveled for size or by administrative directive.
6 th graders are bringing home course selection sheets Reminders: Please make sure you go over the course selection sheet with your child before signing the sheet Please make sure you sign the course selection sheet and have your child return it as soon as possible Due Date: Friday Jan. 29th
Here’s an example of an 7 th grade schedule…. Regular ELA ELA (2 units) Math (2 units) Science (1 unit) Social Studies (1 unit) PE or Athletics (1 unit) Full year elective (1 unit) OR 2 Semester electives (1 unit) TOTAL 8 units Pre-AP ELA Pre-AP ELA (1 unit) Math (2 units) Science (1 units) Social Studies (1 unit) PE or Athletics (1 unit) 2 Full year electives (2 units) OR 1 Full year elective (1 unit) AND 2 Semester electives (1 unit) TOTAL 8 units
Check out our website for course selections and course catalogs
Wunderlich Website
A Day in the Life of a 7 th Grade Wildcat School starts at 8:40 and finishes at 4:10 8 class periods 7 th graders have “B” lunch (11:52- 12:220 Many extracurricular activities and clubs are open to 7 th graders – check for information in the fall
Parent Involvement is the Key to Student Success Parent Involvement Student Success
Education Triad Child Parent School Major Benefits Higher Grades and Test Scores Long Term Academic Achievements Positive Attitudes and Behaviors More Effective School Programs More Effective Schools When Parents are Involved
Upcoming Events Spring Open House Feb. 2 6:00-7:30 pm Family Food Pantry 1 st Thursday of each month Fun Family Math Game Night Apr. 145:30-7:00pm Summer Family Reading Night May 245:30-6:30pm
We are looking forward to a great year in 7 th grade!